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Home : Windows : Appearance and Display

Wrap Icon Titles (All Versions)
This setting controls whether the icon titles should be word wrapped over multiple lines or shown in one longer line.

Display High Color Icons (All Versions) Popular
If you like a bit more color and detail in your icons, then this setting allows you to enable hi-color mode. Show your Windows icons in all their high resolution glory.

Change the Vertical Icon Spacing (Windows NT/2000)
This setting specifies the number of pixels that appear vertically between icons. Windows determines the default based on the icon title font and the display you are using.

Use Personalized Menus (Windows 2000)
Windows 2000 included a new feature called Personalized Menus, which remembers which items you use regularly and hides less used items. This tweak allows you to enable or disable this functionality.

Change the Thumbnail Image Settings (Windows XP)
These settings control the format of the saved thumbnail images, including the image size and quality.

Change the Menu Show Delay (All Versions) Popular
Windows normally delays menus before they are displayed. For regular users this delay can become annoying, with this setting you to change the delay time or remove it altogether.

Change the Position of the Desktop Wallpaper (All Versions) Popular
Unfortunately Windows only gives you the limited options of center or tile for the placement of the desktop wallpaper. With this setting you can move the image anyway on your desktop.

Change the Alignment of Drop-Down Menus (All Versions)
By default, Windows drop-down menus are aligned to the left, with this tweak you can change the default behavior to align the menus to the right instead.

Change the Transition Effect for Menus and Tooltips (Windows XP)
This value controls which type of transitional effect to use when displaying Menus and Tooltips, allowing you to choose either the fade effect or the scroll effect.

Control Whether Windows Performs Smooth Scrolling (All Versions) Popular
This setting allow you to disable the Windows smooth scrolling function, which on an low-powered system can cause performance degradation.

Control the Font Smoothing Mode (Windows XP)
This setting controls what type of font smoothing is used. This allows you to select either Microsoft ClearType or the standard anti-aliased fonts.

Remove the Minimize, Maximize and Close Tooltips (All Versions)
When you move your mouse over the three control boxes on a standard Window frame it will show tooltip text for each item. This tweak controls that function.

Full Window Drag Option (All Versions) Popular
This setting enables the Full Windows Drag function, which allow you to view the contents of window while dragging it across the screen, instead of just the standard outline.

Control the Windows Animation Function (All Versions) Popular
Although the animation function can make animated Windows look good, it can also slow down your PC if you have a slower graphics card. This setting allows you to control whether the function is enabled or disabled.

Enable Font Smoothing (All Versions) Popular
This setting controls whether fonts are anti-aliased to appear smoother when displayed within Windows.

Change the Link Color of Active Files and Folders (All Versions)
This setting controls the color of the active file or folder when using the web view (single-click) display method.

Automatic Window Refresh (All Versions) Popular
Normally when the contents of a window change you may need to wait a few seconds, or press F5, to refresh the display to see the updated information. This tweak configures the system to perform faster automatic updates.

Change the Recycle Bin Icons (All Versions) Popular
Would you like to make you Recycle Bin into something a bit more exciting? Maybe a glowing toxic waste bin? With this tweak you can change the icon to be whatever you like.

Change the Size of Desktop Icons (All Versions) Popular
Are your icons too small? Or too big? This setting will let you resize them to suit your desktop preference.

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