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Home : Windows : Desktop and Explorer

Show Pop-up Descriptions for Explorer and Desktop Items (All Versions)
This setting controls whether pop-up tool tip information and descriptions are shown when the mouse is hovered over desktop and explorer items.

Disable Desktop Cleanup Wizard (Windows XP)
By default Windows will run the Desktop Cleanup Wizard every 60 days to remove unused desktop items and shortcuts. This setting will disable it from running automatically.

Disable the Thumbnail Cache (Windows XP)
This setting is used to stop explorer from caching thumbnail pictures and instead refresh any images every time a folder is opened.

Hide the Internet Explorer Icon (All Versions)
This option hides the Internet Explorer icon from the Windows desktop.

Show Attributes Column in Explorer (Windows 98/Me/2000/XP)
If you like to view your files using the detailed view option you may have noticed that the attributes column has disappeared. With the introduction of Windows 98 it was removed by default, this tweak adds it back.

Remove the 'Shortcut to...' Prefix on Shortcuts (All Versions) Popular
Don't like having 'Shortcut to...' appended to every Shortcut? You're not alone. With this tip you can stop Windows for adding this text when creating links.

Remove or Change the Shortcut Arrow (All Versions) Popular
Would you prefer to display your shortcuts without the arrow in the bottom left hand corner? This tip will show you how to change the arrow icon or remove it completely.

Create Separate Processes for the Desktop and Explorer (Windows 98/Me/2000/XP) Popular
By default Windows creates one multi-threaded Explorer process which contains the Desktop, Taskbar and all other explorer instances. If one of these instances fails, all instances will fail. When enabled, this setting causes Windows to create separate processes insulating them from failures in other instances.

Use Classic Search in Explorer (Windows XP)
This tweak allows you to disable the new Search Assistant and use the traditional search interface in Explorer.

Disable the Ability to Right Click on the Desktop (All Versions) Popular
This tweak removes the context menu that would normally appear when the user right clicks on the desktop or in the Explorer right results pane.

Change the Location of System and Special Folders (All Versions)
Windows keeps a number of special folders such as "My Documents", "Desktop", "Favorites" and the "Start Menu". These folders can be moved anywhere on you system and the new location updated in this key.

Desktop Icon Redraw (All Versions)
If you desktop icons are redrawing too frequently, it could be because the icon cache is full. Try increasing the size by changing this setting.

Control Application Focus Settings (All Versions)
When Windows applications require user input or focus, they will either pop-up over the existing window, or their icon will flash on the taskbar waiting for user action. This tweak controls that behavior.

Launch Browser Windows in a Separate Process (All Versions)
This setting specifies whether a new process is created for each instance of Internet Explorer that you start. This can prevent one instance of Explorer from affecting other instances if it stops responding.

Remove My Computer from the Desktop and Start Menu (All Versions)
This restriction removes My Computer from the desktop and Start menu.

Add Explore From Here to Every Folder (All Versions) Popular
When you right click on any folder this will give you an option to Explore From Here, which will open up an explorer window of that folder.

Hide the Search Button on the Explorer Toolbar (Windows 2000/XP)
This restriction allows you to remove the search button from the "Standard Buttons" toolbar in Windows explorer.

Show File and Folder Names Using the Correct Case (All Versions) Popular
Some versions of Windows will attempt to adjust the capitalization of files and folders that are in all uppercase to make them more visually pleasing. For example, if you create a folder named "C:\ALLINCAPS" Windows will actually display it as "C:\Allincaps". This feature can be disabled using this tweak.

Easily Use Notepad to Open a File (All Versions) Popular
Enabling this setting will allow you to use Notepad to open a file by simply right clicking on the icon. Also the Notepad will be used to open the files by default if no association already exists.

Automatically View Thumbnails of Bitmap Files (All Versions) Popular
Makes Explorer show a thumbnail version of bitmaps files in the current folder rather than the generic icon ordinarily used. This is a great way to preview .BMP files without having to open them first.

Active Window Tracking Using Your Mouse Cursor (All Versions) Popular
This tweak allows you to control the Window focus using the mouse cursor, by making an application active simply by moving your mouse cursor over it.

Control the Auto Complete Mode (All Versions) Popular
This setting controls whether the automatic text completion (AutoComplete) feature of Windows explorer appends the suggested text to the words as you are typing as well as showing a drop-down list of available values.

Show Windows Version on Desktop (All Versions) Popular
Early versions of Windows showed their version number on the desktop, this feature was removed in the released version. If you're in an environment where it may be useful to quickly locate the version of Windows then this tweak re-enables that feature.

Change Desktop Icon Visibility (All Versions) Popular
This tweak allows you to control which icons are visible on your desktop. By modifying the desktop namespace you can add and remove special icons including My Computer, Inbox and Recycle Bin.

Add Command Prompt Option to Every Folder (All Versions) Popular
If you still use the DOS prompt regularly then this setting creates a new right-click menu option to open a command prompt at the selected directory.

Change Default Search Options (Windows XP)
These settings allow you to change the default search options used to search for files and folders on Windows XP.

Add a Menu Option to Move and Copy Folders (All Versions)
Manage folder locations with ease by adding a right-click menu option to "Move To Folder..." and "Copy To Folder...".

Add a Menu Option to Open Shortcuts in a New Window (All Versions)
This tweak adds a right-click menu option to enable you to open Internet shortcuts in a new Explorer window.

Show Log Off Option on the Start Menu (Windows Me/2000)
This setting controls whether the 'Log Off [Username]' option is shown on the Start Menu.

Disable Compressed Folders (Windows Me/XP)
Windows Me and XP include a built-in feature to manage compressed ZIP files and folders. This tweak allows you to disable it and install a third-party application.

Create a Useful Name for My Computer (Windows NT/2000/XP) Popular
This tweak will rename "My Computer" to "Username on Computername" making it simple to determine which computer you are logged on to and which username you are logged on as.

Launch Folder Windows in a Separate Process (All Versions)
This setting controls whether each folder window is launched as a separate explorer task. The benefit of this method is that if one window has an error and crashes the others should be not be affected. The disadvantage is that it takes more system resources for each folder.

Remove My Documents from the Desktop (All Versions)
This setting is used to remove the My Documents folder from the Windows desktop.

Force Windows to Use the Classic Desktop (All Versions)
This tweak disables the various enhanced features of the Windows shell which are included in newer releases of Windows and Internet Explorer. It will remove features including Active Desktop, Web view, thumbnail views and the quick launch toolbar.

Change Drive Name and Icon (All Versions) Popular
This tweak allows you to change the name and icon shown in Explorer for a specific drive letter.

Add Custom Folder to My Computer or the Desktop (All Versions) Popular
Create your own custom system folder, like "My Documents", that can not be deleted or renamed and place it on the desktop and My Computer.

Create a Desktop Shortcut to Hotmail (All Versions)
This tweak can be used to create a shortcut directly to your Hotmail e-mail account on your desktop.

Add the QuickView Option to All Files (All Versions)
If you ever wanted to add QuickView to the context menu of all file types, it may be a tedious task doing so using Windows Explorer's Options - File Type window. This tip shows how to do it in a couple of easy steps.

Rename or Delete Special Folders (All Versions) Popular
This setting allows you to rename and delete special folders (such as the Recycle Bin) as if it was a normal folder by right-clicking the icon.

Removing Item Types from the New Menu (All Versions)
When you right-click on your desktop or other selected applications there is a New sub-menu which contains a list a default templates. This list can be modified to include only the templates you want.

Creating a Shortcut to the System Folders (All Versions)
This function allow you to add a shortcut to various system folders on your Desktop or Start Menu.

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