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Home : Windows : Login and Authentication

Hide the Welcome Screen (Windows 2000/XP)
This setting hides the welcome screen that is normally displayed each time the user logs on to Windows 2000 or XP Professional.

Display Domain Logon Confirmation (Windows 95/98/Me)
When this option is enabled, a popup dialog message is shown when the user successfully authenticates with a Windows domain.

Hide the Last User Name (All Versions)
Enabling this setting will blank the username box on the logon screen. This will prevent people that are logging on from knowing the last user to access the system.

Enable Shutdown from Authentication Dialog Box (Windows NT/2000/XP)
When this setting is enabled a [Shutdown] button is displayed in authentication dialog box when the system first starts. This allows you to shutdown a system without logging in. The button is shown by default on a workstation and removed on a server installation.

Force the Use of Automatic Logon (Windows 2000/XP) Popular
Normally when a Windows machine is configured to automatically logon to a specified account users can bypass this and enter alternate account information. This tweak forces the machine to auto logon and to ignore any bypass attempts.

Disable the Auto Logon Shift Override Feature (Windows NT/2000/XP)
When using the automatic login feature it is possible for a user to hold the Shift key to bypass the login sequence and enter a username and password. This feature disables the ability to override the function.

Customize the Windows Logon and Security Dialog Title (Windows NT/2000/XP) Popular
This setting allows you to add addition text to the title of the standard Windows Logon and Windows Security dialog boxes.

Limit the Number of Automatic Logins (Windows NT/2000/XP)
This setting is used to limit the number of automatic logins, once the limit has been reached the auto logon feature will be disabled and the system will display the standard authentication box.

Show Options on Logon Dialog Box (Windows NT/2000/XP)
This setting controls whether the options to enter a domain or to log on using a dial-up connection are shown on the Windows logon box.

Modify the Number of Cached Logins (Windows NT/2000/XP)
This value controls the number of allowable cached login attempts when the network domain controller is unavailable.

Use Active Authentication for Unlock and Screen Saver (Windows NT/2000/XP)
This setting controls whether a full login should be performed when a workstation is unlocked or a password is used with the screen saver. Normally Windows will not check some settings such as whether the account has been locked out.

Legal Notice Dialog Box Before Logon (All Versions) Popular
Use these fields to create a dialog box that will be presented to any user before logging onto the system. This is useful where you are required by law to warn people that it is illegal to attempt to logon without being an authorized user.

Change the Logon Screen Wallpaper (All Versions) Popular
When you setup a background wallpaper for your desktop, the initial logon screen wallpaper is not changed and stays as the default Windows appearance. This tweak allow you to change the default wallpaper.

Automatic Logon without Name or Password (Windows 95/98/Me) Popular
This setting allows Windows clients to logon without entering a user name or password, therefore bypassing the logon box.

Disable the Unread Mail Message on the Welcome Screen (Windows XP)
This setting can be used to remove the message on the Windows Welcome screen showing the number of unread e-mails.

Show Log Off Option on the Start Menu (Windows Me/2000)
This setting controls whether the 'Log Off [Username]' option is shown on the Start Menu.

Hide Usernames from the Logon Screen (Windows XP)
This tweak can be used to hide specific usernames from the logon screen, without removing the account completely.

Change the Login Window (Windows XP)
This setting controls which type of logon screen is shown, either the classic Windows NT/2000 format or the Windows XP welcome screen.

Allow Fast User Switching (Windows XP)
Fast user switching allows you to quickly switch to another user account without having to close any programs. This setting controls whether fast user switching is available.

Use the Classic Login Interface (Windows XP)
Windows XP includes a new log on interface to streamline the login process and display user profile information. In some circumstances the old Windows NT/2000 interface may be required in which case you can still access it using this key combination.

Automatic Logon to a Windows Machine (Windows NT/2000/XP) Popular
Windows includes a feature that allows you to configure the computer to automatically logon to the network, bypassing the Winlogon dialog box.

Command Line Option to Reboot or Log Off Windows (Windows 95/98/Me) Popular
This command allows you to create a shortcut or execute from a batch file a Windows DLL that will bypass the standard Start Menu method of shutdown and initiate a Log Off, Shutdown or Restart.

Change the Logon Screen Background Color (All Versions) Popular
When you change the color scheme and appearance of your desktop it does not change the background color of the logon screen to match. This tweak allows you to change that color as well.

Start Windows Without Prompting for a Password (Windows 95/98/Me) Popular
Does Windows prompt you for a password every time you boot up even though you're the only one using the PC? Follow these instructions to make Windows automatically start up without prompting you for a password.

Force Users to Logon to Windows (Windows 95/98/Me) Popular
Usually users can simply press 'Cancel' at the Windows logon box to bypass the login process and gain access to the local computer. This tweak will logout the user if the authentication fails or the user clicks Cancel.

Time-out for User Profile Dialog Boxes (Windows NT/2000)
When the user is presented with a dialog box requesting User Profile information, this specifies the amount of time in seconds before the dialog box is closed and the default is accepted. The default value is 30 seconds.

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