Windows Registry Guide Windows Registry Guide
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Registry tweaks, tricks & hacks to optimize, enhance and secure Microsoft Windows.

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Detect Accidental Double Clicks (All Versions)
This setting is used to control whether explorer should attempt to automatically detect accidental double mouse clicks.

Change Wheel Mouse Detection (Windows NT/2000/XP)
This setting controls whether the driver should attempt to detect and enable the wheel on the mouse device. The mouse wheel provides rapid scrolling and other control features.

PS2 Mouse Port Rate Adjustment (Windows NT)
Ever noticed how your mouse cursor flickers sometimes or doesn't run as smoothly as you would like? That's because the refresh rate is set too low, modify this key to speed things up and make your mouse cursor move smoothly.

Change the Keyboard Buffer Size (Windows NT/2000/XP)
Occasionally Windows may report an error relating to an overflow in the keyboard buffer. This tweak can be used to increase the size of the buffer, and avoid this problem.

Change the Mouse Buffer Size (Windows NT/2000/XP)
Occasionally Windows may report an error relating to an overflow in the mouse buffer. This tweak can be used to increase the size of the buffer, and avoid this problem.

Active Window Tracking Using Your Mouse Cursor (All Versions) Popular
This tweak allows you to control the Window focus using the mouse cursor, by making an application active simply by moving your mouse cursor over it.

Display Mouse Pointer Trails (All Versions)
This setting allows you to control whether trails are shown behind the movement of the mouse pointer to increase visibility.

Adjust the Mouse Double-Click Sensitivity Area (All Versions)
This setting controls the amount of mouse movement allowed between clicks, for two consecutive clicks to be registered as a double-click.

Adjust IntelliMouse Scroll Function (All Versions)
This entry determines the number of lines scrolled for each rotation of the mouse wheel on a Microsoft IntelliMouse when no modifier keys (such as [Ctrl] or [Shift]) are pressed.

Reverse the Mouse Buttons (All Versions)
By default the left mouse button is the primary mouse button and the right is the secondary. This tweak lets you swap those buttons around to make the right the primary, which may be useful for left handed users.

Control the Mouse "Snap To" Feature (All Versions)
When enabled, this setting causes the mouse pointer to snap-to the default button of the active application window.

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