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Home : Software : Internet Explorer

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Internet Explorer Search Enhancements

Disable Save As Web Page Complete (All Versions)
This restriction disables the ability to save complete web pages including images, scripts, linked files and other elements in Internet Explorer.

Change the Internet Explorer User Agent String (All Versions)
Whenever a web browser is used to connect to a remote web server it includes a User Agent string that contains details about browser and operating system. This tweak allows you to add or remove additional information from this string.

Use Personalized Favorites Menu (All Versions)
Internet Explorer has a feature that automatically hides site that are rarely visited from the Favorites menu. This setting allows you to enable or disable the personalized menu feature.

Proxy Server Configuration (All Versions)
This tweak allows you to configure the proxy server settings for all programs that use the standard Windows Internet API, including Internet Explorer.

Remove Windows Messenger from Internet Explorer (All Versions)
This tweak can be used to remove the integration of Windows Messenger into Internet Explorer. It will remove both the toolbar icon and Tools menu item.

Show Friendly HTTP Error Messages (All Versions)
By default Internet Explorer will show a friendly version of any HTTP errors it receives, for example Error 404 Page Moved. This tweak controls that functionality allowing it to be enabled or disabled.

Disable Expanding Internet Explorer New Menu
Usually when you click on the New menu in Internet Explorer it is expanded to include options like New Window, Message, Post and Internet Call. Using this tweak will stop the menu expanding and therefore only display the "New Window" option.

Internet Explorer FTP Mode (All Versions)
Internet Explorer has the ability to display FTP sites as if they were local folders. This tweak controls which mode IE uses for FTP.

Control the Internet Explorer Script Debugger (All Versions)
When an Internet Explorer detects an error on a page it has the ability to launch a script debugger to diagnose the problem. This setting controls the use of the Internet Explorer script debugging functions.

Use an Alternate Source Viewer with Internet Explorer (All Versions)
By default when you use the View Source feature of Internet Explorer it launches Windows notepad as the text editor. This tweak lets you choose which editor to use.

Check for Internet Explorer Updates (All Versions)
Internet Explorer 5 and higher has the ability to automatically check for software updates. This tweak controls that feature.

Internet Explorer Intercepts the FTP Command (All Versions)
When you enter a FTP command such as "FTP" Internet Explorer may launch instead of the DOS based FTP program.

Specify the Default Internet Explorer Download Directory (All Versions)
This setting is used to specify which directory should be used as the default location to save downloaded files retrieved using Internet Explorer.

Launch Browser Windows in a Separate Process (All Versions)
This setting specifies whether a new process is created for each instance of Internet Explorer that you start. This can prevent one instance of Explorer from affecting other instances if it stops responding.

Disable Internet Explorer Download Notification (All Versions)
This setting is used to disable download completion notification in Internet Explorer.

Specify the Location of the Online Support Site (All Versions)
When a user selects "Online Support" from the Internet Explorer help menu they are usually redirected to a Microsoft web page. This tweak allows you to specify an alternate URL and web site.

Change the Internet Explorer Navigation Sound
When you start navigating a web site with Internet Explorer it plays a WAV file, by default a click sound. This setting lets you change or remove that sound.

Hide Links Folder on Favorites Menu (All Versions)
Internet Explorer persistently creates a Links folder on the Favorites menu, this tweak allows you to remove it.

Reset Internet Explorer Window Location (All Versions)
Sometimes Internet Explorer may have problems with the location of the explorer window, possibly placing the window off the screen or only allowing you to minimize or maximize the window. This tweak should reset Internet Explorer to the default position.

Control the Auto Complete Mode (All Versions) Popular
This setting controls whether the automatic text completion (AutoComplete) feature of Windows explorer appends the suggested text to the words as you are typing as well as showing a drop-down list of available values.

Increase the Maximum Number of HTTP Sessions Allowed (All Versions) Popular
To abide by the HTTP specifications Windows limits the number of simultaneous connections that it will make to a single HTTP (web) server. This affects all Windows Internet applications that use the standard API, including Internet Explorer. The behavior can be seen when downloading multiple files from a web site only a certain number (2 or 4) will be active at any one time.

Clear Internet Explorer Typed URL History (All Versions) Popular
Internet Explorer caches any URLs that are typed into the address bar. This may become a privacy issue on a shared computer, or a nuisance if there is a particular URL you want to remove without clearing the whole history.

Add a Menu Option to Open Shortcuts in a New Window (All Versions)
This tweak adds a right-click menu option to enable you to open Internet shortcuts in a new Explorer window.

Reuse Internet Explorer Windows for Launching Shortcuts (All Versions)
This setting controls whether Internet shortcuts are opened in an existing available Internet Explorer window or whether a new window should be spawned.

Control Internet Explorer Error Reporting (All Versions)
This setting allows you to control whether the error reporting tool, which reports browser debugging errors to Microsoft, is active in Internet Explorer 6.0.

Modifying the Internet Explorer Partial Address Feature (All Versions)
The Internet Explorer partial address feature, scans common domains for a match to a keyword entered in the Address bar. The feature is limited by default to searching only .COM, .NET, .ORG and .EDU domains. This tip allows you to add new domains and modify their priorities.

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