Windows Registry Guide Windows Registry Guide
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Registry tweaks, tricks & hacks to optimize, enhance and secure Microsoft Windows.

Power the Computer Off After Shutdown (Windows NT/2000/XP)
Category: Home > Windows > Startup and Shutdown
Download: WinGuides Tweak Manager

This setting controls whether Windows should automatically power down or reboot your computer once it has finished the shutdown process.

Open your registry and find the key below.

Create a new string value, or modify the existing value, called PowerdownAfterShutdown and set it to "1" to power off the computer at shutdown, or "0" to reboot.

Restart Windows for the change to take effect.

Note: This feature must be supported by the computer's BIOS.

Registry Editor Example
|(Default)REG_SZ(value not set)|
|HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon|

System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
Name: PowerdownAfterShutdown
Type: REG_SZ (String Value)
Value: (0 = default, 1 = power down)

Disclaimer: Modifying the registry can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. We cannot guarantee that problems resulting from modifications to the registry can be solved. Use the information provided at your own risk.

Last Modified: March 20, 2002

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