Types of Kissing

Trade-off Kiss: One of you takes a cinnamon candy and the other a mint. While French kissing, switch them from time to time. Great fun.

Breath Kiss: In a hot moment - creates major anticipation - barely touch lips with lips slightly parted...then breath your partner's breath... moving heads slowly to experience different sensations...lips touching on and off slightly...it is a very teasing sort of kiss and builds passion tremendously.

Chew Kiss: Tell your partner to place their tongue deeply into mouth...you VERY GENTLY "chew" on the back part of their tongue...do not suck. This will create a sensation in other places that can be very exciting!

Touch Kiss: You do this after you and your partner have Frenched or really kissed a lot. What you do is just simply touch tongues - like the tip of your tongue. You may want to move it around but you don't have to. You don't do it inside your mouth you do it out in the open.

Underwater Kiss: Have your partner hold their breath underwater and when he or she taps you give them air.

Moving Kiss: Make sure a bed or couch or chair is behind your partner and when French kissing gently push your partner onto the chair or whatever is behind them. Very good for serious couples or just beginners.

Flavor Kissing: Put a piece of long lasting gum in your mouth just before you and your partner French kiss. While kissing pass the gum back and forth, and see how long it takes for the flavor to run out!

Chin Kiss: Hold your partner's chin with your middle, index, and thumb and tilt their head in the right direction. Continue to hold it as you kiss.

Suck Kissing: This can be a very seductive type of kiss. Instead of French Kissing with your mouth open, while your partner's lips are parted suck on their top our bottom lip with your own, just for a second or two. Then go back to another type of kiss or try the other lip.

Nip Kissing: This type of kiss has to be done carefully, but when done correctly can create a wonderful effect on your partner. While suck kissing, gently bite their lip, but be VERY gentle so as not to hurt your partner. This kiss should only be done with someone that you've kissed a few times before, otherwise you may shock your partner.

Surprise Kissing: This type of kiss is done when your partner is lying down on a sofa or the ground, either asleep or just lying with their eyes closed. Quietly approach your partner and place a small, very gentle kiss on their lips. Intensify the kiss until your partner opens their eyes or awakens.

Vacuum Kissing: This is a playful kiss. While in an open-mouthed kiss, suck in deeply so you're sucking the air from your partner.

Cordial Kissing: Take a sip of your favorite drink, either alcohol or something sweet, and then when your lips meet pour the drink in your partner's mouth. Only take a very small sip.

Butterfly Kissing: Put your eye really close to your partner's cheek and flutter your lashes upon their skin. You can also do this on their lips.

Tongue Sucking: When you have the chance to get really deep into your partners mouth, suck on their tongue as far as you can. Don't suck to hard, you don't want to hurt your partner. Otherwise it's very pleasing!

Sigh Kiss: When you first start kissing your partner gently lick their lips with the tip of your tongue. Then blow or sigh into their lips, causing a tingling feeling that will intensify your kiss for sure.

Pop Kiss: Use pop-rocks, great fun. You've heard of fireworks, this is an explosion!

Tongue Tease: When you're French kissing, if/when you pull back, and before your mouths meet again, you can flick your tongue up and down quickly against the other person who is doing the same. It's very teasing and fun to see how long it lasts. Its hard to resist going strong after a while of flicking.

Suspenseful Kiss: The type that has a long build-up and both parties wonder when the other one will start to lean over... or if the other person is even interested.

Sucking Kiss: Suck on the lips.

Upper lip Kiss: Only kiss the upper part of the lip.

Lower lip Kiss: Only kiss the lower part of the lip.

Nibbling Kiss: Literally, nibble on their lips and nibble/kiss all over their cheeks and ears.

Motion Kiss: Change kissing speeds. Begin super slow, and then let yourself speed up. The beginning part of the kiss should last at least 10 minutes, then after your partner can not stand it any longer speed up. Then, do not forget to slow your speed down. Too much of anything is not a good thing. Frequent subtle alterations, keeps the person guessing as to what will come next.

Loud Kiss: Kiss your partner while making loud kissing noises.

Silent Kiss: Kiss your partner without making any noise - best to practice when someone is around and you do not want to be heard.

Copycat Kiss: Kiss your partner the exact way that she/he kisses you. Follow your partner's lead.

Open eye Kiss: Maintain eye contact during kissing.

Closed eye Kiss: Close your eyes and imagine how this kiss will lead to the best sexual encounter ever imaginable.

Talking Kiss: The talking kiss refers to whispering sweet nothings to your partner as you kiss them on their lips. In between each kiss or two, while still invading their space, sharing thoughts with them about how much you like them, or how much they turn you on. (i.e. the dress you wore last night, your eyes, the way you handled the situation at dinner etc).

Elevator Kiss: Sneak a kiss in to your partner when you are on the elevator and no one else is around.

Isolated Kiss: Just one kiss.

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