Chair's Message
   I would like to extend a warmth thanks to all our members and supporters who have worked tirelessly to keep Coyle Creek beautiful. Through our efforts, this important component of the Welland River watershed will be preserved for future generations and the wildlife that call it home.
   I would like to extend a particular thanks to our VP and former VP, Alison Pillar and David Tucker, respectively, who have done great work on behalf of the FCC.
   This June we will be conducting our annual spring clean-up of the creek and will continue to work in partnership with many like-minded organizations to further the protection and enhancement of Niagara's wild places.  We are always looking for new members, so If you would like to lend a helping hand, please contact me via e-mail at
[email protected].

About the Chair: Adam Shoalts is the first and current chair of the FCC. He and Dave Tucker founded the FCC in May 2006. Prior to that Shoalts had worked for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and had been a part of their efforts to rehabilitate Coyle Creek. He is a passionate wilderness traveller, and author of the book, Sense of Adventure: An Account of a Journey in the Canadian Wilderness. He writes columns on evironmental issues and outdoor stories for various newspapers.

(Bio By D. Tucker).

FCC Chair Adam Shoalts on the Otoskwin River in 2004. Photo by W. Crowe.
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