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Friday Knights
4/27 2001 Game Result

Great Save Brian !

Nothing gets past Bennett tonight.

Opponent: Grim Reapers

Result: Knights win ? - 0

Talk aboot (about for you Americans) DEPTH ! The Friday Knights shut out Grim Reapers with the "B-Team" 4-0!  

It looked "Grim" around 6:00pm tonite as Scotty tried to scrounge up a line-up against the Troy Grim Reapers - we had Benninger, McDonald, both Macaskills, Kappler, Kinlin (and Joey!) up in Toronto "goofing off", Granowicz was Daddy-Daughter Dance-Dating, Rochon was helping a buddy lay sod, Carl Sullivan was under-the-weather and Jason Rockey was traveling .... that pretty much left the remaining "B-Team" the task of bringing it up to the next level ...  

Well - the boys at home rose to the occassion - the "not-your-normal-line-up" came through. With Brian Bennett in goal and 4 "youthful" defensemen (Tommy Partain, Tim Vanneste, Dean Ortel and Rick Hein) - the "D" held the Reapers scoreless through the entire game ...  

Dave Brown even felt some compassion and volunteered to leave his 5-course Friday evening meal at 6:30pm to come over to skate with us on a FULL STOMACH! THANKS Dave!  

Scoring was well-spreadout with Krause of the power-packed Dharte-Krause-Thomas "Salsa Line" scoring on a break-away three minutes into the first period. It stayed 1-0 for the rest of the 1st period and most of the second period until Glen Boice found the puck and the net with 6 minutes to go with an assist from Jason Hill.   Marty finally got up off of his tired duff to get off a hard-earned salvo of hard shots of which two found the back of the goal at the end of the second period and the beginning of the third period. (Marty was feeling uncomfortable not being te leading scorer for the Knights so early in the season .. so this makes up for some of that ...)  

The referees pretty much stayed out of the picture (and Steve "Scotty Bowman" Thomas stayed out of the penalty box!) ... the only penalties for the Knights were when Jason Hill felt sorry for the other team and wanted to give them a power play(or figured he get a prime chance to score if he were the 7th man on the ice!) when he got called for "too many men on the ice" - and of course Marty got caught taking some poor unsuspecting Grim Reaper down late in the 2nd period ...  

Well - it looks like our trademark - Friday Knight "Team Depth" carried us thru - and an extra hats off to the 4 hard-working defensemen and Brian Bennet for protecting the shut-out!   Stars of the nite were - Marty for two goals and Brian Bennet for posting the shutout.  The defensive-foursome (Partain,Ortel, Hein,Vanneste) of course get honorable stars for playing short on D and protecting Brian ...  

The REAL TEST will come Monday nite - 11:15pm GAME TIME!   Let's see if the Knights come out at Night!   Nice game tonite -

Thanks ot everyone who made it - especially old Dave Brown for making it on short notice .... Way to go guys! We're 2-1-1 !!!!!!!!!!!

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