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Friday Knights
6/1 2001 Game Result

Waaaaa Waaaaa


Opponent: Nitro

Result: Lost 3 - 7

This game pitted us against the no-show Nitros - the team that "didn't show up for our first game - so we won with a forfeit! We were a little cocky at the start of the game, and when Gerry Krause of the "Salsa Line" put in a nice wrist shot from the blue line 5 minutes into the game we went into "repeat celebration mode"! Heck, why not?!?!! Steve Benninger hadn't even showed up yet (tardy!) and we were up 1-0! Within a minute Steve had come by the bench to pick up the lockeroom key and we knew we'd be "Ready to rumble once our leading scorer came out!  

But as soon as Steve entered the locker room he heard a big cheer and peered out to see that Nitro had tied it up 1-1 at 9:02. It had taken Nitro 58 seconds to get back in the game - Steve slipped into his socks and pads and picked up the pace of his preparation with a little bit of anxiety in the back of his mind. He was lacing up his skates when he heard the cheers again and again peeked out to see that 48 seconds had elapsed and Nitro was up 2-1. Steve really kicked up his pre-game routine to the "next level" and got his shoulder pads and jersey on ... but before he could get to the door he heard the crowd "crow" for a third time - and although he was afraid to look - he just KNEW what had happened ... in just 32 more seconds Nitro had scored yet again.  Three goals in 1 minute and 18 seconds! The Knights were down and never fully recovered.  

Steve did eventually score on a pass from PJ Macaskill to narrow the score to 3-2 ... but it was too little too late. Nitro came back with a goal almost right away and although the production line (McDonald to Mike Macaskill) contributed one Nitro just kept on sneaking the puck into the net.  The Game ended 7-3 with a little excitement as Steve Benninger ended up on the wrong end of a late hit and decided that he'd show the dumb defenseman what a "wresting hockey player" did to someone who hit him late. Stevie spun the guy around and dropped him down on the ice. When the refs came in to slow things down, assistant coach McDonald put his big mouth to use, and chewed the refs a new one.  This earned him a game misconduct and basically ended the game as time ran out.  Steve Benninger, meanwhile escaped without so much as a roughing penalty and skated quietly (and satisfied having dumped their high scorer!) to the bench.

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