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Friday Knights
6/8 2001 Game Result

Winner Beer
Look who showed up. It's our MVP (most valuable photographer) and former #1 hack:
Mr. Brian (KMart) Atkinson
Opponent: Ice Men

Result: Won 3 - 2

Click here to see some great pictures Brian took during the game.
Click here to see Dharte lose his cool and take a trip to the sin bin - John's replacement is also on this page.
Click here to see some pictures from our last post game team meeting held at Koolsky's.
Click here to see Scotty Bowman pass out the team awards.
Click here to see the team pictures.
Click here to see Post Game Locker Room Pictures.
Click here to see the final season statistics.

Well - two seasons in a row ended with the Knights handing the IceMen a defeat! The game wasn't a do-or-die for the Knights - but the IceMen were certainly looking for win#2 to make it to the finals against JFC. The Knights were looking to be the spoilers - for the second year in a row sending the IceMen home without the cup....  

The Knights succeeded beating the IceMen 3-2 for the second time in as many years in their final game! Here's how the Friday Knights finished up their season on a "high note"! (And believe it or not - assistant coach Pete McDonald finished the game without getting a game misconduct! and even more amazing - except for a small "Dharte-Iceman skirmish" the game was fight-free!)  

The game started out slow as both teams were cautiously feeling each other out.  For the first half of the first period no real scoring threats occurred on either end. Then - Pete McDonald - trying once again to prove he's not the puck-hogging glory hog that everyone accuses him of being unselfishly gave up a one-on-one with the IceMen goalie and laid it on Gerry Krause's stick for a neat goal and the Knights were up 1-0 and would never give up a lead for the rest of the game!  

For the rest of the first and second period the game was simply end-to-end - with alot of shooting but no scoring. The only excitement was the aforementioned Dharte-Icemen mini-battle that started with a slash from the infamous Icemen Defenseman, #7. John wasn't about to let the Icemen start intimidating the Knights so he mixed it up enough to let #7 and the rest of the IceMen know that they couldn't push the Knights around.  The ref caught the action and decided to give the Icemen defenseman a 2-minute slashing penalty and John Dharte a 2-minute slash and a 2-minute roughing penalty.  This put the Icemen on a power play but the message it sent that the Knights were not to be pushed around was one that stuck with the Icemen the rest of the game. They finished the powerplay without any real threats and the second period ended with the Knights still up 1-0 and fully in control.  

The third period would see the Icemen pull out all of the stops - and the Knights fend off the best the Icemen could dish out.  At 11:23, McDonald and Benninger teamed up to feed Gerry Krause for his second goal and the Knights moved to a 2-0 lead.  Terry Toland made it 3-0 just a few minutes later at 8:26 and the Knights were on a roll and up 3-0.  The last few minutes the game saw alot of action, but the Icemen never really got back into the game - they scored a goal with a minute and a half left to end the shut-out, and added a fluke goal from the corner that ricocheted off several skates as it passed thru the goal crease and somehow ended up in the net.  Time ran out on the Icemen about 5 seconds after this fluke goal, and the Knights had done it two years in a row : Spoiled the Icemen's bid for the cup! Unfortunately the Knights had already been eliminated by JFC, and would not fulfill third repeat dream, but it was a still a satisfying way to end the season, taking the Icemen out of the finals.  

The summer of 2001 will now provide the aging and injury-plagued the Knights some well-deserved and desperately-need rest time.  

Look for them to come back leaner and meaner and again a top-contender to take back their cup!

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