

You have reached yet another of the 85 billion websites now flying around this planet at the speed of light.

Some websites are about taking your credit card details. Some are about providing information on making your own thermonuclear garbage disposal unit. Others are about how many naked women you can fit on one page.

Hopefully this is one of those websites which just makes you go "Hmmm..."!

Some Frequently Asked Questions

What is this site on about?
This site contains a structural analysis of several books of the bible.

What's so important about the "structural analysis" of a book of the bible?
The way in which something is said (or written) adds emphasis to the actual content of what is being said. So if we understand the structure of the books of the bible, we will discover more about what the original author was trying to say.

So who is behind this website?
I'm Michael Buining. I'm a Christian and am an active member of St Andrew's Anglican Church and I have a passion for discovering for myself what the bible is saying and thinking a bit differently about it rather than just listening to the standard "answers out of a can" that so often we hear.

Structure and Meaning





A bit of background...

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[Contents] Hmmm... Contents

Last modified on Wednesday, July 01, 1998

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