Rules and Regulations 1)Admissions 1.a) Admission to the clan is done though an application form on this web site. 1.b) ALL the information on the application is required. 1.c) The name of the recruiter must be put in the application. 1.d) After the application is submitted, it will be reviewed by the council. After which the player will be contacted within a week via email. 1.e) In the email will be a time and date for a voice chat session with a council member. This is not an interview, it is a screening. We don't like imature idiots in the clan, this chat session is to prevent that. 1.f) After the chat session the player will be told wether his application is approved or rejected. If approved, the player will be given a tag, a practice time and the rank of recruit. 1.g) When the council is satisfied with the personality and playing skills of the recruit, the recruit will be assigned to a squad. The recruit may request a specific squad but the decision lies upon the council and all council decisions are final. 2)Code of Conduct 2.a) Respect all of your fellow clan members. 2.b) Obey your council members, squad and company leaders. 2.c) DO NOT put down other members ability to play cs. 2.d) Racism will not be tolerated. This is all members one and only warning. 2.e) Keep profanity to a minimum. Children play this game too. 2.f) Absolutly no cheating. Cheaters are traitors to the game and will be treated as such. 2.g) No member will abuse thier given admin powers. Being admin is a privilage not a right. 2.h) No stat whores. Allways keep the teams even. This only applies to the clan server. 3)Practices, Scrims and Matches. 3.a) If practice is missed by any member without a valid reason, then the member will be suspended one match. If absence is frequent then it will be investigated by I.A. 3.b) All absences should be posted in your squads forums section or emailed to your Squad leader at least 24 hours in advance. 3.c) Treason will not be tolerated and will be dealt with severe action. 3.d) AWPs are not allowed in practice unless otherwise told by your squad or company leader. 3.e) Squad and company leaders will do all scheduling for thier squad and make sure they have enough members to play. 3.f) All members must show up in mirc an hour before an offical match(give or take five minutes) 4)Chain of Command 4.a) The clan is split up into squads, consisting of 5 members lead by a squad leader and companies, consisting of 2 squads lead by a company leader. 4.b) The clan is governed by the Leadership Council, consisting of only Generals, lead by the clan President. 4.c) Every member of the clan is given a rank. This displays 2 things. The higher the rank the greater the admin powers in the server. With higher rank also comes greater responsibility. 4.d)Recruit/Reserve Tag: [] A recruit is someone trying to gain full membership into the clan. A recruit will wear the (RR) squad tag. If the council feels that the recruit is ready but there is no room on a squad then the recruit will be promoted to private but still wearing the (RR) tag. If a member is absent for more than 2 weeks then the member will be assigned to (RR) squad and will be dealt with when they return. Recruits and reserves get no admin powers 4.e)Private Description: All privates are expected to show up and have fun. Responsibilities: Privates have no resonsibilties unless they sign up for an extra duties dept. Privilages: Very limited admin powers 4.f)Corprol Description: There will be one Corprol per squad. This rank marks the member the next person to be promoted to Sargent and the second in command on his/her squad. Responsibilities: Helping the squad leader with strategic planning Privilages: 5.g)Sargent Description: The squad leader. Responsibilities: Strategic planning, scheduling and moderator of his/her squads section. Reports to his/her company leader when issues out his/her hands arise. Privilages: 4.h)Liutenant Description: The company leader. Responsibilities: Strategic planning, scheduling and moderator of his/her squads section. Reports directly to the council all status reports concerning his company. Privilages: 4.i)Admiral Description: Assistant council member. The Admiral is the next member to be promoted when a General leaves the clan or gets demoted. Responsibilities: The Admiral runs our version of internal affiars. Any infraction of our clan rules must go through him/her. The Admiral will also assist the President in any overflow of work. The Admiral must attend all council meetings. Privilages: 4.j)General Description: The Generals are the clans council members. They are the co-leaders of the clan and along with the President make the decisions that affect the clan. Responsibilities: Each General will head up one Special duties dept. Recruiting, forums moderator and web master. All Generals must attend all council meetings. Privilages: 4.k)President Description: Clan leader. Responsibilities: The President runs the clan server. Keeps tabs on all special duty dept. and works with the Admiral on keeping the clan safe from anything outside and in. Privilages: All Powerful 5)Special duties 5.a) A General or Admiral will head up one dept each. If at any point a dept needs more help, then it will be discussed at the next council meeting. 5.b) Recruiting This dept will be occupied by a General and 3 Privates. The Generals job is the voice chat session with all potential applicants and all recruiting decisions. If there is ever a recruiting despute then the President will make the FINAL decision. The Privates assigned to this dept are the scouts. They look and advertise for new talent, trying to get them to sign up. The President can at his disgression, place a potential applicant directly onto a squad. 5.c) Forums Moderators The Mod team will consist of a General and 2 Privates. Making sure that ppl are following the forum rules. Each squad leader will also Mod his/her squads forum section. 5.d) Web Masters 1 General and 2 Privates are responsible for the updating and upgrading of the clan website. The General is in charge of the news, members and rosters sections. The other 2 are responsible for graphic design, making sure all the forms work and are allways looking for new ways to improve functionality of the site. Knowledge of photoshop and ASP a must for one of these positions. 5.e) Internal Affiars I.A. is run by the Admiral, it is his/her job to investigate and build a case agianst upon any infraction of the clan rules. Such infractions will be reported by the squad or company leader, to the Admiral who will build a case and present it to the President who will in turn will decide on a proper punishment. Any case deemed unfair in any way by either council or the offender may be appealed. The President can, after speaking to the offender throw out or grant the appeal. If the appeal is granted, then the offender will attend the next council meeting, where the council will decide and vote on a new punishment. The councils decision is final and may not be appealed further.