The three main Osborns (Norman, Harry, MC-2!Normie) have all hooked up with various gorgeous comic book women (and men, in fanon) throughout the many different Spider-Man comic titles. But which one do you ship for? Are you a romantic Norman/Emily fan? A rabid supporter of Harry and Mary Jane, mismatched as they were? Not sure? Then take this quiz for a spin and find out. Have fun!

1. Easy movie question first: what did you not like about the Spider-Man movie?

We didn't learn anything about Norman's past
There wasn't a single Swedish nurse in that hospital scene!
Liz Allan wasn't one of Peter's high school classmates or Flash's girlfriend
The World Unity Festival scene where MJ turned away from Harry. That stupid bi...
How both Harry and Peter have the hots for MJ when they obviously belong together
It doesn't look like Harry, Peter or MJ will ever have kids in it
The second Vulture didn't even have as much as a cameo appearance :(

2. Let's up the optimism: your favourite scene from the comics or movie?

All those angsty flashbacks in Revenge of the Green Goblin. So tragic and sad... :(
Whenever Norman's lusting after that Swedish nurse chick
Harry's availability at the movie's end
When Harry tries to impress MJ with his "spider know-how" in the movie
Whenever Peter and Harry are alone in their apartment at night...oh, the possibilities...
The ending of Spider-Girl #54 :squeal!:
Normie and Blackie's kiss in the middle of the sidewalk in Spider-Girl #49

3. Favourite kind of romance?

Tragic soulmate sort of mush :angst!:
Meaningless and hormone-driven probably :cough:
Married with an annoying brat or two
Typical teenage dating sort of thing
Slash. Sexy slash. And lots of it
Cute teenage puppy love :squeal!:
When both characters actually have things in common

4. Your ideal occupation out of these choices?

dead, but formerly a mother
Swedish nurse
single mom and temporary CEO
supermodel or soap opera actress
high school science teacher
high school student

5. What's usually the eventual outcome of your favourite ships?

One dies, the other goes insane and cavorts in his underwear in public
The relationship sort of ends after much pointless stupidity
One dies, one's still alive, and their kid ends up horribly wimpy
They date for awhile, but they're "just friends" in the end
Well, you see, it's not really canon, but they angstily boff each other a lot
It's a mystery, but their parents certainly won't be happy about it
One ends up jail, the other gets boffed by someone else

6. And how's your favourite ship doomed?

Well, one's sort of dead...unless you're into necrophilia...
Locking up your girlfriend is just a really stupid idea. And Mary Sues doom all
One of them's sort of insane and would rather spend his time stalking his best friend
There's never really any love between them. And one of 'em likes the other's best friend...
It's not canon, but it's thriving and breeding exponentially in the fandom
Their parents would never approve of it. Such a shame, that Spider-Goblin War...
Well, one's sort of spending time in prison, and the other is off getting it on with a friend...

7. Solve overpopulation: Pumpkin Bomb someone, please

Those Peter/Norman slashers. Damn movie fans don't appreciate the comics' continuity
Norman "fans" who think Kolina's a Mary Sue: she's blonde, pretty, flawless, what's there not to like?
Foggy Nelson. Yes, he's not real, but we hate him anyway
This may sound weird, but I'd choose Mary Jane. She flirts with every man she meets!
Slash nay-sayers and fluffy Peter/MJ shipper fangirls. It's so...disgustingly sugary!
Spider-Girl readers who forget to put *spoiler* warnings up :sniff:
All those fans who liked Spider-Girl #54's ending

[Image credits (for the banners): Reflections in the Dark, dotcomics, Liz Allan Website, Comics Continuum, The Spider's Web, Lockdown's Spider-Girl Page, Spider-Girl #49]

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