About Us

Fruition started out a long time ago with four friends who dreamt of stardom. Simon, Doug, Chris S and Kirk. To start with the first three were all very poor guitarists but Chris S decided he wanted to play bass. Kirk who had never played the drums before decided he wanted to be the drummer, so a few quick lessons from a fellow drummer started him off. The first song Fruition (as they had decided to be known) ever played together was a cover of the Animals song "House of the Rising Sun". Not having a drum kit at the time gave Kirk the opportunity to do some of the vocals. They rehearsed Chris's garage using crap guitars and crap amps but the enthusiasm was still there. When Kirk got his drum kit this left Fruition without a vocalist so up stepped Doug, leaving his guitar behind him. Simon started to write some original material (it might have been crap but it was still original). By now they were rehearsing above the Motte and Bailey Public House (Kirk's house), and in Simon's bedroom and occasionally his living room much to the annoyance of his parents. After an arguement with Chris S over a demo and a conversation with Chris Low, it was decided that Chris Low would join the band and Kirk who had got more interested in guitar would take over the bass duties. Chris S who it was felt was not trying hard enough was chucked (temporarily). Fruition remained this way for their first four gigs, but it was felt that they needed a fuller sound and so they decided to get a new rhythm guitarist. They informed Chris S of the slot and they decided to see if he wanted it enough. After a couple of months it was decided that he would rejoin the band as the rhythm guitarist. They finally thought it was set when Kirk announced that he was moving away. After Kirk left there was no bass player so doug started on the bass which was quite good because his vocals had a lot to be desired. Now with Simon singing much to his reluctance they set about doing a few gigs. Peter D a good friend of the band who had actually tried to get in as the vocalist while Doug was still on the vocals was now auditioned and the band decided he was a better singer than any of them so he was given the frontman position. That was in the summer of 98. Fruition are still in the same formation in the year 2000 and have improved considerably since those days in Chris's garage.

To the ends of the world 1

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