Fruits & Passion Store Policy

Here are some basic terms that each Fruits & Passion employee must comply with:


Ø  Come to work bright and eager to perform your duties- try to arrive at least 5 minutes early to relieve the other employees from their shifts and to prepare to begin your own.

Ø  Do not stand idle behind or around the till area, pick a station.

Ø  No unnecessary personal phone calls while on shift- if they are important, please keep them less than 2-3 minutes.

Ø  Cell phones must be turned off and are not to be used during your shift

Ø  Only Fruits & Passion related work permitted. No homework, drawing, magazines or surfing the net while on shift. You are being paid to work and there is plenty to do.

Ø  Only scheduled breaks allowed- other than bathroom breaks.

Ø  Lunch breaks must be taken due to a weekly budget for hours. All breaks occur in ½-hour intervals and cannot be taken during peak hours or with other employees.

Ø  No purses or other personal items are to be visible in the boutique (purses, bags, backpacks, etc. are to be kept in the back room).

Ø  No food is to be visible in the boutique; snacks and drinks can be kept in the back room but must be taken with you at the end of your shift.

Ø  No chewing gum while on shift.

Ø  If you bring music for the store, make sure that your supervisor approves it to be appropriate for everyone who enters the store.

Ø  No fraternizing with other staff while on shift. Of course you are allowed to chat but the conversation stops the moment a customer enters the store. They are our number one priority.

Ø  There is to be no gossiping about other employees.

Ø  Do not interfere or try to “steal” another employees’ sale or customers- we work as a team. If your co-worker is busy with another customer, be courteous and ring in their sale under their code. 

Ø  Items put on hold should be rung in under the employee who assisted the customer, as indicated on a note accompanying the products.

Ø  Do not wrap another employee’s sales when new customers enter the boutique. They have already made the sale- help the new customer.

Ø  No friends hanging in or around the store while on shift.

Ø  No non- employee in the store when closing or after closing.

Ø  If you are on duty longer than your scheduled shift states, you are responsible to contact management and inform them of your extended hours before leaving.

Ø  If no management is on shift, the next senior consultant is designated shift leader- please listen to them and respect them.

Ø  Follow all notes left by management.

Ø  All staff purchases are to be paid immediately and only when a supervisor is present.

Ø  Bag checks must be done at the end of each shift. Do this voluntarily; you should not have to be asked.

Ø  If any employee fails to adhere to Fruits and Passion standards, they will be written up for every occurrence. Please note that the first write up is considered a warning, the second will result in probation, and the third will result in immediate termination.



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