.R. Fryer Forest Prod.


Inventory List

Employee Page

Links Page

Items For Sale

5782 Hwy. #64

Monetville, Ontario

P0M 2K0

Phone: 1-705-898-2286

    Fax: 1-705-898-2126

[email protected]

Click here for link to story..

Just some pictures of our mill.

Click here for logyard pictures...


Click these Pics below for links to the past.

Mark, Nelson and Lucia with a load of Elm Logs Quarter sawing some hardwood.. A couple nice logs on the infeed.. One large load of pulp.. for the truck..

We saw white pine, red pine, spruce, birch and many others.


Click for Sudbury Forecast  

Site Last Updated Feb. 1st, 2009


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