Fry SkimmerFry SkimmerFry SkimmerFry SkimmerFry SkimmerFry SkimmerFry Skimmer
Fry SkimmerFry Skimmer

For all the 18+ fans of Pitch Black. DO NOT read these if you are underage ( 17 or below) or if you think you might be offended by them. Personally, I blush so I tend to skim the 'gettin it on' bits and just read the story around them :) I honestly hope this doesns't offend the authors! The authors are listed in alphabetical order.

Fry Scale Legend
  Note: The Fry Scale is not a rating scale for the stories here. It's merely a device to show how much of Fry   is actually in the story. :)

Updates for the 18+ page

Bit of a fic drought there. Thank goodness it's over! :) Added the final chapter, Chapter 8, of Lattelady's epic Monsters in the Night. It's no longer in the wip stage for it's complete! And what an ending it is! :) Imam's got a secret so unexpected that Riddick decides to congratulate him with nearly a fist to the face :) Personally I'm a little saddened to see such a great fic come to an end. That means we'll just have to nag Lattelady for something new! :)

Wow, Tater's on fire!! :) Added four chapters of the lovely Tater's awesome new fic Unbearable. This fic is fantastic! :) It had me wondering till she finally took pity and said who 'the mystery woman' was! :) The dialogue is witty, the interaction is great, and it just plain kicks it! :) This just in: Tater has sent the revised version of Chapter 12 of Show Me Your Eyes. Revised Chapters 13 and 14 coming soon! Thanks Tater! :)

Added Chapter 14 of Tater's fantastic epic Show Me Your Eyes. *Blushes* A little smut for the goodness of the heart? You betcha :) Riddick takes care of some personal hygiene problems in honor of finally getting some alone time with Fry :)

Finally! After a hectic week so far at University, I get a moment to relax and do my most favorite thing....update :) Tater's back with Chapter 13 of her epic Show Me Your Eyes. I absolutely adore this fic :) Fry gets a dress, Riddick battles some internal demons, and Shazza finally begins to grieve.

Added Chapter 12 of Tater's famous epic Show Me Your Eyes. What's this? Riddick covered in....glitter? :) And this fic really makes me wish Shazza survived for the film! :) Thanks Tater! :)

Remember always check out the main page for more updates! :)

Alright! Added Chapter 8 of Lattelady's great epic Monsters in the Night. The writing's smooth, Riddick's got a sly sense of humour, and praise Imam for his meager piloting skills :)

Remember always check out the main page for more updates! :)

Arghh. My apologies for not having these out sooner! Two of our grand authors have updates for you. :) Added Chapter 11 of Tater's famous epic Show Me Your Eyes. This chapter's way cute and yet very...foreboding. :) Also added Chapter 7 of Lattelady's great epic Monsters in the Night. This one's very good. So much lept out at me, some good Riddick angst and some good realizations. :) Thanks Tater and Lattelady! :)

Added the revised versions of all chapters so far of Lattelady's awesome epic Monsters in the Night. Welcome back Lattelady. :) Lord knows I missed this story! Also well wishes to Lattelady and her mother, well wishes of peace and silver linings. Thanks Lattelady! :)

I am finally back on the net after 3 miserable days! :) Have a couple of great 'What Ifs' for everyone: New author Harper's awesome short fic Riddick's Bitch. Chilling account of regret, shame, and raw despair.Also added new author Candylyn's great fic The Silver Angelista (wip). Ooh this fic is very good so far. It creates some good M.O. for the capture of the murdering Riddick and Fry. :) Also added links to their repsective sites. Harper: Harper. Candylyn: The Haven Archives. Check them out. Both have some good fanfic other than Pitch Black. Thanks Harper and Candylyn! :)

Added Tater's revisions of all chapters so far for her great fic Show Me Your Eyes (18+ wip). Thanks TCG! :)

Woohoo! Added Chapter 10 of TaterChipGirl's famous epic Show Me Your Eyes (18+ wip). It's a blusher, yet it has some sweet moments nonetheless :) Thanks TCG! :)

As always check out the main page for the more updates, not pertaining to the 18+ page here.

Ardath Rekha

Unrestrained   Fry is one of the main characters
A reworking of the skiff scene. What do you think would have happened if something had gone wrong during the hull integrity tests? Riddick and Fry have to find a way to pass the time

The Haven Archives

The Silver Angelista   Fry is one of the main characters
18+ 18+ site  work in progress
What if Carolyn had boarded the skiff instead of convincing Riddick to go back for Jack and Imam?

Caroline Benson
Guarded Trust Index Page and Guestbook

Guarded Trust   Fry is one of the main characters
Riddick and Jack move on, but just as things get to normal, they find Carolyn again. Will they join up or get into trouble? Read to find out!
Chapters 1-4   Chapters 5-8   Chapters 9-11 (end)  


Riddick's Bitch   Fry is one of the main characters
18+ 18+ site
A “What if Carolyn had taken Riddick up on his offer” kind of thing.


Updated Monsters in the Night   Fry is one of the main characters
18+ 18+ site
A Fry/Riddick story as they confront each other and the monsters that surround them. A Fry/Riddick story as they confront each other and the monsters that surround them

Chapters 1-4   New Chapters 5-8

Shaz's Fan Fiction Page

Not Afraid of the Dark   Fry is one of the main characters
That scene we all wanted to see, between Riddick and Fry.

Tater Chip Girl
The Fan Fiction of Tater Chip Girl

Knife's Edge   Fry is one of the main characters
18+ work in progress
Riddick and Fry both make it off the planet - what does the future hold for them? Will Riddick ever conquer his fears?

Chapters 1-4   Chapters 5-9   Chapters 10-14   Chapters 15-18    Chapters 19-22   Chapters 23-24

Updated Show Me Your Eyes   Fry is one of the main characters
18+ work in progress
A new Riddick/Fry storyline. What's gotten into Fry? Whatever it is, Riddick will soon be showing her more than just his eyes.

Chapters 1-4   Chapters 5-8    Chapters 9-13    New Chapter 14

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