2FS Airsoft Homepage

When the going gets tough... we leg it!

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Who we are, what we do:
We are a Airsoft Skirmish Team based in West Yorkshire. We've been doing Airsoft for about five years now, starting from little spring powered pistols to bigger stuff like our GPMG. As of a few years ago we began to go to some of the big games our first being Fireball's National Game, which we nicknamed 'Ham!. After that we went to Phoneix in Nottingham and again back to 'Ham for a second tour, last August. Apart from the big games we have our own playing area in the village we live, which includes an old Pump Station, a horse Minage and an Underground Res where hoping to go to SWAT this year (2004) and later on Ground Zero. Hopefully I will be able to keep this website updated as its mine and our Teams first!.

A war song we came up with a while ago, just decided it might be nice to put up it up, sing the words to the tune of Glory, Glory Hallelujah and you can't go far wrong!

News Update! 21/3/05: 2nd Lt. Dodsley has been demoted (fired, again), for failing to do everything he had been promoted for... you win some you lose some he is now a Pte. Also, Sgt. Auterson has come back to us, although he still lives in Germany he makes all attempts to join in with the team, we hope he will be joining us on some of the big skirmishes. Also, Pte. Brook has come back to us, he will soon be fighting side by side. Pte. Little Tom has been promoted to L/Cpl for a while now, we have just forgot to mention it (oops) so the team roster will now hopefully be rearranged, and with a summer of fighting at the bigger skirmishes it looks like 2FS are in for a bit of a shake up!

Click here to go to 2FS's new guestbbok, please feel free to sign with any questions and comments...

News Update! 16/9/04: Pte. Dodsley has been promoted. For a while now Col. Janion was after a 2i/c, Pte. Dodsley was chosen for his steadfast loyalty. He will replace the retired Major Halstead in every aspect, apart from rank. Only three people in 2FS have ever made or were even considered to make Officers, Maj. Halstead, Sgt. Auterson, Pte. Dodsley. Dodsley will now start at the rank of 2nd Lt, with his own personal 2i/c Sgt. Halstead being brought back from retirement.

News Update! 13/9/04: Some very important news about the future ranks of 2FS coming up soon, it's been discussed in the Officers mess at this very moment... keep your eyes peeled!.

During a routine clean up of the Officers mess the Colonel found a very old picture of our first tour of 'Ham, it has us all, past and present! Other news, Fretwell has been promoted to Corporal and because of this he becomes the next highest rank and therefore takes the privilage of A/2ic, until a final replacement has been announced.

The old days!: From the left, 2nd Lt. Halstead, Sgt. M. Fretwell, Capt. Janion, Cpl. Wistow, Pte. Auterson and in the back just hidden Pte. Brook.

News Update! 3/8/04: We went to Lightfighter over the weekend, for my final skirmish, I have surrendered my Commission. Making me the second entry to the forgotten heroes section, along with my one time spotter and Sergeant, Auterson.

News Update! 27/7/04: Cpl. Dodsley has been fired, and is now back down to Pte. L/Cpl. Fretwell steps up to take his rightful place after sterling sniper work at LightFighter airsoft the other weekend.

News Update! 30/6/04: Over the weekend five of us Col. Janion, Maj. Halstead, Newly promoted RSM. Wistow, newly promoted Cpl. Dodsley and newly demoted L/Cpl. Fretwell did a tour of the SWAT big game before I get into the detail I will just quote our commander:

"EUSF Beaten by Cambrians!
OK, also by Cobolt, (sneaky buggers), but that's not the point.

Well, Saturday, as usual was not to be the Cambrians day. We made the Embassy
about the same time that the EUSF made the speedball pitch and there it stayed for quite sometime.
A pul back to try and draw the EUSF into a fight netted us, well, nothing. A little while later we were back at the Embassy.
Behind the lines, various troops of the Cambrian Marines, (how else do you describe them?), made their way from the Stockade, (variously known afterwards as either Ranger Island or Stranger Island), to the mainline behind EUSF lines to cause trouble, while our covert troops made it to the EUSF base to assinate Rupe, from what I understand, a number of times. (that was all us, good old 2FS, taking the enemy base and killing the leader, we even had time for a Fonze pose infront of the camera which I will put up ASAP)
However, it was not to last, and with the aid of an unlikely ally, (the weather, the extremely poor weather cause a major attrition of Cambrian troops to the stage where at one point there were only 28 of us in the field), the EUSF forced us back, and finally, after 4 1/2 hours took our base, (it had only taken us 1 1/2 hours to get into theirs).
However, the sheer mental fortitude that I have come, over the last couple of years to associate with those that choose the Cambrian side showed through, and despite inferior numbers, managed to push the EUSF back the the Embassy again, and that was where the day closed.
As always at the end of the first day, the Cambrians trailed, however, the difference was not insurmountable.

Sunday dawned, and as the saying goes, what a difference a day makes.
The sun shone and the plan was simple, having seen what a choke point the Embassy was the day before we decided to use that to our advantage and not a step backwards. Arriving at the Embassey we found it held by Cobolt forces. In arrangement we took over the position as our Forward Operating Base and made pushes into EUSF territory.
The free time used to successfully locate and recover as many drug bags as we could find. However what was soon to follow changed the complex of the battle.
The first Lady mission came up and she was sucessfully secured by Cambrian Forces and was brought back to within 5 metres of the UN Safe zone when our supposed allies showed their true colours, starting by assasinating the first lady. Luckily due to the quick reactions of the Cambrian Forces Cobolt were prevented from blowing our base. On that action, that Judas like betrayal, the codeword "Irene" was given, Cobolt were considered to be hostile and hunted as such. Following this there were no shortage of volunteers to go Ranger hunting. Their actions, viewed as such lowly opportunism by their own ranks that a number deserted to join the Cambrians.
In practice, this made our situation easier, no longer did we have to worry about holding an alliance, it became a simple task, anything not wearing Cambrian Markings was hostile and to be sent to the deadzone immediately.
And so enthused by fury, an emboldened Cambrian force, much depleted by mechanical failure, (heavy rain the day before wrought havoc with AEGs), set forth to reek a horrible vengeance against all in our way.
Cobolt or EUSF, it didn't matter, all met the same 6mm fate.

Further motivated by news that the EUSF had lost a significant number of troops, we pushed forwards their base with the inevitability of a Glacier.
In the dying minutes, a moment of utter genius struck an unknown member of the Cambrian Forces, Chief Master Pyro, the one person to be able to turn all those drug bags and guns into points, was assasinated, gunned down thus preventing the EUSF from capitalising on their recoverd assets.
And so it finished with the valiant Cambrian forces to within 10 meters of their base as the final whistle went. At the End of the day, although we had not won the day, (The Rangers having tricked their way into first place), we did succeed in beating the EUSF into third place, and in turn, ending their dominance of the Big Game.

When I took the second place trophy, I dedicated it to all of those on the Cambrian team to stuck with it through the appaling weather on the Saturday, through the weapon failures, (I did wonder if we'd been given SA80's by mistake they were failing that often), through the loss of players, but I'd like to elaborate on this a bit further. I'd like to say, Ahthanyouvermuch to the following teams (in no particular order): Aardarks, (inc Crazy Dutch Bastards and 7Th Cavalry)
SWAT regulars (who were a constantly pleasant surprise with their willingness to carry out even my most stupid plans and made them succeed)
Free Fire Zone
2FS (sneaky buggers - nice work)
Bastard Squad
Team Viking
Charlie Platoon (for providing secure Comms)
Bravo Company

I know there are teams that I havn't mentioned, you are equally worthy of praise, I just didn't get to catch you to find out your names.
The following also need a special mention: Ghost - total enthusiasm and Bacon Grill
Semmy - for his advice on 60's loadouts
Lewinski49 - for looking after Bravo Company for me, they're yours now
Muffla - The Cambrians stand in Comms man and drug mule.

Thanks to you all for making my job that bit easier.
Dan Breen.
OC Cambrian Forces Frontline 2004"

Cpl. Dodsley! And he wonders why it took him so long
to get promoted? Also Maj. Halstead behind.

L/Cpl. Fretwell listening intently to the briefing "What a guy!"

Click here to go to the War Photography
Click here to go to the Team Roster
Click here to go to the Unsung Heroes
Click here to go to the Weapon File
Click here to go to the War Stories


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