2FS Airsoft Homepage

When the going gets tough... we leg it!

"Unsung Heroes"

This section is dedicated to all those men who went and didnt come home. And some who just vanished from our ranks without a trace and the others who left the glorious ranks of 2FS.

Sgt. Auterson, although coming back to us for a short while Sgt. Auterson will soon be going back to the British Army and Iraq. Hopefully we will see him again.

Maj. Halstead, altough still fighting alongside 2FS for a little while longer. Maj. Halstead will soon enter the world of retirement to restart his career in the British Army.

WO1. Dawson, where did he go? where is he now? RSM. Dawson dissapered from our ranks without even a hint, he was there one day, gone the next, never to be seen again. So much so, we don't even have a picture of him!

Pte. Brook, Richard Brook, although still kicking around and still with a weapon in his possession Brook seems to have stopped fighting, why? who knows. Maybe he will come back one day.

Sgt. M. Fretwell, where did he go? the man who would do anything? the man who would strip and run at the enemy... the answer is, we don't know!.

Pte. Spud, the man with no-name, Spud, although still comes up once in a blue moon seems to have drifted apart from the team, I doubt we will see him again.

Pte. Wistow, promoted to RSM for a short while when Halstead recieved his Commission. Pte. Wistow has seemed to have distanced himself from the team, like the rest we hope he will be back.


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