
Weekly Bible Verses
Christ In The Media
God's eye for the sinfull guy
Christian corner
The Christian Voice
  • (4/22/04)-I added a new link for visions and added to the christian voice They are a bit sloppy no color yet but im still lookin for a cool background
  • (3/21/04)-Added 2 new links one is for the First United Methodust Church in Clarksburg the other is for something realy cool! Most of you should know about it...
    and if you dont... your missing out!
  • (3/16/04)-Put in the message boards go to the christian corner to get to it
  • (3/16/04)-Well, Im geting everything set up...
    after a late night of working to get stuff done. Im having a few problems with getting stuff for the Christian corner but day by day its geting better. I should get the HTML code for the Message Board tomarrow and then all I will have to do is find a chat room. Thats all for now...
  • (3/14/04)-Welcome! Just getin started so we may have some problems but not for long.

Weekly Bible Verses-Dont read the bible too mutch? Beter check out this page.
Christ in the Media-Christian news, movies, books, etc.
God's eye for the sinfull guy- Kind of a corny name but this page will give you sugestions on how to get more in touch with your christian life.
Christian Corner- Mesage Boards, chat rooms and other things to talk with your fellow christian friends.
The christian voice-If your trying to bring a friend back to christ or help a non-christian learn about the good news and are having problems please check out this page.
Visions-Stories from the Bible about the visions of Daniel and others and what they could mean.


Cokesbury Clarksburg FUMC

Drawing done by Andrew

Page maintained by: Andrew Skidmore and Brian White
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws