Forrest Sherman High School
Naples American High School
Message Board

November 1999



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Hi, this is Randy Tucker , Naples 73-76, Looking for any friends! Dave Flick, Ken Vonhessler, Sharon Moser&Sis,Vicky Thomas,Sandy Randal,Lisa Duff&bro, Donna Zimmerman &Bro, Car Womac, Prather sisters, Shela bell, Well You know who ya 'R" Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or ICQ# 5032084.... Lot of GREAT PEOPLE and TIMES!! THE PARK COVE TEEN CLUB drinking and dancing... DANM I miss YA ALL RANDY (TUCKER BROTHERS)11/99

HI there- Zilla Webb Hillin here Class of 1964 y'all! WOW am I amazed and happy to find that this has been done for the ol' alma mater! I thought I would never have a way to find all the folks who were at FSHS with me. I hope some of you get on line and respond at : [email protected]! I live in Gulf Breeze, Fl. anyone near by? I only just last month heard about the Dallas Reunion and about the magazine that is put out now for all us militray overseas kiddos..ain't it cool that all this is finally around. So- where is everyone? Let's see if the class of '64 can get together someday-someway! Waiting for contact. [email protected]/99
Valerie Pokoyski (now Tanous), 1973-1975. Hello to those of you who attended FSHS from '73 to '75:) Dave Keller, how are you? Michelle DiMaria, where are you? Cindy Donahue, please write! Harry Meikle, IÃd love to hear from you. Philippe Mondelin, please let me know why you have so many names. Eric and Rick Baker, although Jerry keeps me somewhat informed, it would be great to hear from you directly. Albi Montegnaro, can I stop by for lunch the next time IÃm in Jersey? Rich Slate, I look forward to receiving your annual holiday greeting (by the way, congrats on the new house). Saw the photos from the San Francisco reunion¤everyone looks terrific (Carol White, you havenÃt changed a bit)! Would love to hear from those of you mentioned above and from anyone else who would like to "catch up." P.S. Kent Corrick, thanks for keeping me laughing on a regular basis! Scott White and Dana Crosson (nee Christopoulos)¤are your PCs operational? [email protected]/99
Hey Wildcats. Found this wonderful site where you can post photos. It's at and while I am still adding photos, I have now posted 75 from the reunion in Vegas. Go check it out at ( Is this cool or what? Dan Rich '67 [email protected]/99
Wondering about last month's Wildcat Wroundup '99 reunion? Click here for the ONLINE REUNION SLIDESHOW!

Have Fun! George Petersen '71 VIRTUAL NAPOLI!11/99

Ciao! Just found this site. I graduated FHS in 1962. We had 35 in our graduating classAnn Burgess was my good friend. Have lost track of all my classAfter reading the messages posted, I guess I am the Grandmother of you all. Hopefully someone will check this site that was in my class. My name back then was Patty Dowd. My e-mail is pld36.gwi.net11/99
Hey, I attended FSHS/NAHS from '65-'67. Left in February of '67 to marry that big bad marine. We have been married 32 yrs and have 3 sons and 4 grands. One son is Lt. in Navy and is getting stationed in Naples in May. Looking for friends that attended school there also. Dee (Carr) Carman e-mail address [email protected]. Would love to hear from Pam Forschner, Rene Long or anyone else. [email protected] 11/99
Hello Again. Carey J Tibbetts here 1972-1976 FSHS.I have been in touch with lots of different people recently! Randy, read your message, you should have added your AOL IM address :-) Reach me if anyone wants some "new finds." Good source is the Overeas Brats Mag. [email protected] P.S. So sorry, forgot to add that we've had the Wed. night FSHS chat going pretty well lately. We're trying to get it going every Wed. night @ 10:00pm EST click on the CHAT box for more info. Carey. 11/99
Looking for all my old pals from 1966-1969...Here goes. SUE AND KATHY BAKER Don and Debbie Jackson Linda Stout Vicki Hoag Coach and Mrs. Hoag the ever cool teacher Sylvia Lockeley (Mrs. Joe Lockeley USN) teacher Miss Billie Mims teacher Miss Doris Darnel teacher George Derita Rhonda Cottrell Karen and Ken Woodfin Richard Skelton Neil Scott Richard Simpson Walda Monje Jay McKenna Tina Cannon those gorgeous Steinman girls Marsha Fitton Laura Luongo Johnnie Paradisio the Desnoyers Steve and Melody Yates JOANNE, KURT AND GARY GLASPY ANNE, TRIPPY AND GEOFFREY BOSTON THE NAGELS Dawn Chapman Tom and Denise Pelland Eileen and Vickie Eaton Rose, Rae, Robin, and Jose Williams Connie Patton Joe, Michael and Michelle Chissell We were in the Hotel President at the top of Caravaggio across from the old NSA in the summer of 66 with those listed in all caps. Ready, set, go write that email to me NOW! Frank Stewart [email protected] 11/99
Hello! This is Jessica and Brenda! We live in Ohio, in the United States! We'd like to hear from you! Brenda's e-mail address: [email protected] Jessica's e-mail address: [email protected] 11/99
Kevin Fetzer, 1974. Hey everyone. I have to let you all know what a tremendous time I had at the reunion this summer in Dallas. My cheeks are still sore from smiling into all those cameras every 5 seconds. I rekindled some old friendships and created a few new ones. It was a very warm experience and it really validated the bond that I knew existed with everyone who was as fortunate as we were to have experienced the 70's in Naples. It was 25 years since I had seen some of those faces and yet it seemed as though it was just the next day, as though we'd been stuck in some sort of suspended animation and suddenly it was the beginning of the high school year september 1974, and we all had a weekend to hang out before heading up to Via Manzoni to begin yet another year. Only thing was the stories we had to tell enncompassed what seemed like a few lifetimes: families, jobs, deaths, divorces, all that stuff we did'nt seem to have to deal with between the school years. It s! eem! ed as though we did not have enough time to tell our whole story, yet we also created a few new ones in just the short time we were there in Dallas. I am finally on-line at home now at [email protected]. Yes, I did get the pool pictures developed, and they're tremendous. I will get them out to all involved by Christmas (as I am quite busy right now). And with everyones permission, I will send them to Scott White, for all the world to see. Big hugs to all, Anita, thanx for telling me 25 years later that you always had a crush on me ) Dan P. I'll send you some more snipets of stuff that fell out of my head sometime, hope all is well in Nashville:) Don Alonzo, it was a treat to hang out with you and your family, sounds like a wonderful place where you live ) RIck and Cheryl, I'll call you sometime when I visit Debbie in Gainesville, would love to see your parrots. Cheryl, thanx for Texas Hospitality and the tepid pool, it was a welcome relief after driving around in the b!! ack of a pickup truck for hours ) Paul Bruno, you made me laugh, thanx, and I have the picture you took of JP which I will have posted on the www for all the world to see ) Jim Stewart, thanx for the bit of zen philosophy that I needed, it has been working out (for me) ) Kim Alonzo, would have liked to chatted a bit more with you, maybe in cyberspace, keep it in the day ) JP, what can I say to my best friend of all time that you donÃt already know? Love ya Seals Bros. was good to see you and that perennial Red Sox fan Galvin (thanx for the 3 stooges photos, Gene ) Enjoyed the dinner we all had on the last day, and the memories we shared. Ciao tutti. Oh, yeah, Ricki Slate, Semper This (nothin' but love, brother Jack). [email protected]/99
Morgen Scott Tietjens / Class of 1985 / From 1984-1985 / Now living in Newport News, Virginia... / I am trying to locate class of 84/85. Please write at: [email protected] If you have any idea where that "jerky" Albert Bonaminio is, please e-mail me. Thank you, Morgen 11/99

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