How I Got Into HTML

Hello, I am Ryan Rosier. I graduated from Fairmont Senior High School with highest honors. My life was always soccer. I started playing soccer when I was 5 years old. By the time I was in high school, I was playing soccer year round. Junior year I had to have knee surgery and soccer really slowed down for me after that.
After soccer ended for me, I spent a lot more time with school activities. I really got into writing html last year. We learned some of the basics of writing html in Desktop Publishing, but that wasn't enough. I wanted to learn more. I talked to my teacher and she provided me with more knowledge about html. When my Catholic Heritage Club decided on going to Honduras for a mission trip, I decided to use my skills to create a web page to help raise money for the trip. you can see my website if youclick here. The trip was an amazing experience and I plan to go again this spring!!