Sorry I haven't been able to update much, the wifi is pretty bad here.

Day 1 was a little hectic... The flight from Pittsburg to Atlanta was good, but Alan who was supposed to meet us their couldn't make it in time because his flight was delayed so we got met up with him later. The flight from Atlanta to Tegucigalpa went as planned until we went to pick up all of our luggage, 3 bags were missing. We went to eat in Teguc at Pizza Hut, then we headed to the mission house we stayed at while in Teguc. We also went and picked up bulk food to make food bags when we get back from La Moskitia. We went down town and met up with a lady that started Breaking Chains. Breaking Chains is a service where a huge pot of food is made and they go to down town Teguc and walk down the streets dinding the poor people that they feed. It was amazing how greatful everyone was to have food and how we showed them that we were people that cared about them. They dont have anyone that cares about them. After Breaking Chains, we picked up Alan and headed back to the Mission House.

Day 2 went just as planned. We picked up We went to the dump to build the first house on our agenda. We tore down the old house and built the new house in only 6 hours! It was amazing how well everyone worked together so well and how happy the family was when we finished the house. We all got together and prayed inside the new house and then we left and headed to the Mission House for dinner. After dinner we got together what we were taking to La Moskitia and had it all ready for our flight the next day.

Day 3. Today we got up early and headed to Teguc airport to catch out flight to La Moskitia. We flew in a 16 seat plan and it was a 1 hour flight across the country to our destination. The military checked all our passports then we were good to go. Once we got to the hotel, we unpacked our stuff and got all our party supplies ready for the school party. It was a blast at the party! We had an easter egg hunt, had different crafts and played soccer. We did the Americans vs. the kids from the school and it was a great game. The Americans were losing 4-0 at half time and we ended up coming back and tieing the game 4-4. We went into penaly kicks to break the tie amd the Americans ended up winning! After the party we headed to the hotel, had dinner, and packed food bags to had out the next day.

Day 4. Today we went on the boat ride to a remote village and we passed out food bags at the hospital. The families would come the the hospital, we would give them the food bags and we would pray for them and pray for any special needs they had. After handing out 100 food bags, we gave the hospital a packer box full of medical supplies and we headed back to the hotel. We also swam in the lagoon for a little bit on our way back to the hotel.

Day 5. Today was a very interesting day. We built a man named Darwin a house today. He lives by the school were we had the party. The house was tough to build because it was built on stilts 5 feet above the ground. We started by building the floor, then we built the walls on the floor and we lifted them up from the floor and held them up with support beams while we built the next wall. While buildin the house, I began feel sick. I ended up throwing up twice and 5 minutes later Anthony got sick and was throwing up. We went back to the hotel while the others finished the house.

Day 6. Today was a pretty bad day. Anthony and I were sick and throwing up and having diarrhea. Then when Brian came in to check on us he informed us the Mrs. Butcher, her husband, Jessica, and Mark all got sick too. Anthony and I are feeling better now and so is Mrs Butcher and her husband, but the others are still ill. We had to cancel all plans for today.