The ~Simonis~ Genealogy

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brief history of the early Simonis family
descendants of Matthijs Simon
12 Generations since 1650
German and Japanese occupations
the move to Australia
the Coat of Arms
Dutch-Australian history 1600-1800.

Welcome to the web pages of "Simonis".

My name is Frans Simonis and I live with my family in Canberra Australia. What started, in 1987, as a curiosity in my close ancestors, resulted in a huge, still growing, collection of names of persons whom I am related to one way or another. I have combined the result of all this data, in the "12 Generations since 1650" above. To open this, or any of the pages click on the blue text above. This web-site is dedicated to only one of three branches of Simonis, all three originating from Belgium. It is highly likely, that these three are connected, but sofar no evidence to that has been found and may never be found, because it would be too costly to trace ancestry beyond the 15th century. Does Cardinal Simonis belong to this branch of the Simonis family? The answer is no, he hails from Pierre Simon (Vis�, province de Li�ge 7th generation son of Wilhelmus Simonis) and not from Matthijs Simon. It is not known, why Matthijs Simon moved to Holland. Belgium wanted independence from France, which itself was undergoing a bloody revolution, so it is possible, that he decided to move to a less violent environment. Whatever his reason, it must have been a big step to take in those days.

These days people move and migrate to other countries for all sorts of reasons. Most, like me, migrated to countries like, The United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and The United States of America. A brief history of my own close family can be seen on "the move to Australia".

Thank you for visiting the Simonis pages. If you wish, you can send email to me at: [email protected]

The door to this site is always open to more information!

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