the Coat of Arms

    The Australian National Library in Canberra has a lot of general information on genealogy. One book in particular,"Armorial G�n�ral" by J.B. Rietstap, is very comprehensive and contains a lot of information on heraldry world wide. From this book (two large volumes) the two pictures, shown below, are of interest to Simonis.

    Simonis- Verviers (An.,20 f�v. 1816. M. �t.) Ec.:aux 1 et 4 d'arg.� la bande d'azur; aux 2 et 3 d'arg. � trois roses mal-ordonn�es de gu., tig�es et feuill�es de sin. Cq cour. C.: une rose tig�e et feuill�e, de l'�cu. L., d'arg. et de gu

    Simonis- P. de Li�ge D'arg. � deux �cussons accost�s d'arg., ch. chacun de deux fasces de sa.; chaque �cusson somm� de deux branches feuill�es d'or. C.: deux branches feuill�es d'or, pass�e en saut.

    Both of these show their origin in Province the Li�ge. And from yet a different source this picture.

    Leurs armes, qui reprennent le blason des Simonis sont: Ecartel�, aux 1 et 4 d'argent � la bande d'azur aux 2 et 3 d'argent � trois roses mal ordonn�es de gueules tig�es et feuill�es de sinople. L'�cu somm� d'un heaume d'argent couronn�, grill� collet� et liser� d'or. doubl� et attach� de gueules. Cimier: une rose � l'�cu. Devise: FIDE ET HONORE d'azur sur un listel d'argent et en outre, pour le titulaire, couronne de baron et supports: deux lions d'or, arm�s et lampass�s de gueules. Le crayon g�n�alogique ci-joint, que nous avons voulu sommaire, compl�tera le texte qui pr�c�de.

    The shapes of shields differed signifficantly in past centuries from country to country, as well as their function. The shield on the far right, below, is of early Gothic origin.

    Helmets were not only used for protection. They also functioned as means of recognition. Different helmets were worn in ceremonies. The one pictured in the Coat of Arms below is a ceremonial one. It is interesting to know, that it is not allowed to show a shield with a cloak (vines), without a helmet.

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