{  F  *  S  *  T  }
Friends Standing Together
"Friends helping friends and having fun together!"
Common Policy:
Below are some by-laws that, with permission, I grabbed, as they are what FST is about, and they're worded better than I could think of. Please take a look at them and keep them in mind. Also any foul language will not be tolerated nor will any fighting on these boards. I will personally have you kicked from these forums. Hate to sound harsh but we are currently a small guild trying to expand, and I have heard many that our presence is becoming known so don't disgrace the guild because you got angry. Other people can read these posts. Thank you.

By-Laws {or Helpful Rules}

# Remain Courteous and respectful of other Guild members, and of other players as a whole ----- This is a
game after all, and games are supposed to be fun for all participants. Common courtesy and respect will
go a long way to fostering that enjoyment.

# Grief killing / PKing by members of the FST will not be tolerated ----- Any Lord or Lady who actively
engages in this activity will not be admitted into the Guild. While most of us believe that crimes should
not go unpunished, we as a Guild do not act as Judge, Jury, and Executioners in such matters. In light of
this, we do not force it upon our members to hunt Murderers, nor do we condemn members who choose to hunt
them. We see this as a matter of personal choice, and will do all within our power to see that the hunting
of player killers remains so. But do not step over this line into the PK world.

# Stand by your Guild mates ----- When in battle against monsters, or against other players you should stand
by your Guild mates - your UO family. While PK / grief killing IS unacceptable, it is more unacceptable to
stand by and watch a Guild mate get killed and looted. If a Guild member needs help and you are able to
provide such help, please try your best to lend assistance.

# Do not speak ill of the Guild or it's members ----- Any problems, disputes, or disagreements between Guild
members should be resolved calmly, responsibly, maturely and privately (that is, within the Guild). Do not
allow your anger to get the better of you and escalate the problem. If a disagreement can not be resolved
between the concerned parties, you can bring it before a member of the Council who will arbitrate the
dispute fairly and impartially.

# Do not steal or loot unjustly ----- By this we refer to the bodies of fellow Guild members or innocents. The
sole exception to this is to return their equipment if they have died. When in another's house respect the
master of the house by not looting or stealing items that is not your own property. If it is brought to our
attention that you have acquired a reputation of a burglar or a house thief, your membership status may be
reviewed. Stealing from another Guild member to gain skill is permissible as long as you have that Guild
members permission to do so.

# Strive to be self-supporting: do not expect the Guild to support you ----- Many members of the Guild are
very generous in both time and resources, but coming to the Guild to take unfair advantage of this generosity
is unacceptable. Money is a relatively easy thing to attain in UO, if you do not know how, just ask! If a
member has any problems with attaining items they need the Guild has much information available.

# Guild Title / Tags need to remain active while you are a member ----- It is required that you wear your
Guild Title / Tag at all times unless for some reason the Guild Leader has agreed to the removal of the title / tag.
If you have not been giving permission to remove them, you will be warned the first time and your membership
status may be examined for repeat occurrences. Take pride in your Guild!!! Let the rest of the world know you
are proud to be a member.

# Thou shalt keep it PG-13 ----- Do not make sexual advances. Obscene, vulgar, or racial remarks are not to
be made to anyone in UO. PLEASE refrain from using foul language: this includes crude language, off color
jokes and swearing. During times of stress people are bound to "color" their language to some extent but the
overuse of foul language is not something that the Guild wants to present as our image to others. This habit
reflects negatively on the image of the Guild as a whole and should be avoided whenever possible.

# Guild wars and Alliances ----- FST is not a warring Guild. Our policy is that we will defend ourselves if
attacked but we will not be the aggressor. Alliances (or any setting of any Guild policy) must be decided
upon by the Guild Council.
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