Let me expand on our few rules we do have right now.

1. Help guildies if and when you can.

This means if someone is dead, or needs help in one way or another, and you are not
caught up in the middle of your own battle or activity, try to get to where they are and
help them.  I realize we all have our own things we like to do, but we are also about
helping our friends, and in this guild, the members are friends.  You don't have to drop
immediately and run to aid if you are pre-occupied, but acknowledge them in guild chat
and give them an estimate time span, or brief explanation of why you can't.

2. Never leave a guildmate behind.

If you're out with a guildmate, and something comes up that you have to leave, make
sure your friend is either safe and okay where they are, or make sure they get to a safe
place.  Let them know you have to go if at all possible.  If you decide you want to leave
and go elsewhere, let them know and again, make sure they are either safe and okay
there or are able to get somewhere safe.

3. No Scamming Others.

We have a name and reputation to uphold, and we do not want it to be like other guilds.
This rule is pretty self explanatory, inside guild or out.  Scamming will have a
consequence if found out or caught.  We need to show others how we are as well as in
guild.  If there is an opportunity to help a newbie, or someone in need, lets show them
we are here to help, and not scam them,  they may turn around and join if they like
what they see, or like how they were treated.  If nothing else, It'll give us a good name
either way.

4. No AFK or Rez killing.

We will not tollerate AFK (away from keyboard) killing, or Rez killing. If it is brought
to our attention that this has happened, we will investigate it and possibly terminate
your membership.  If we SEE it, it will be automatic termination of membership.

5. PvP permitted if All involved agree.

PvPing is allowed providing all parties involved agree, and are aware that they may be killed as well. Absolutely NO looting of the members corpse, and if a member is killed in PvPing, be fair, let them fully heal before continuing, take the time to help heal each other as well, may prevent death.  And if there is a death during PVPing, and one is insured, be fair, return the insurance money {if got it}.
PvPing without permission may cost membership, so be sure all parties are in aggreeance.

Again, there are guilds who gank, scam, kill, then remove new recruits, members, and
anyone they meet.  We are not them. And will not lower our standards or values to be
like them.

Rules will be updated when I have more I need to stress!

6. We do not jump on someone elses kills.

This means if you get to an area where someone else if fighting creatures, then you wait your turn.  If it is a place where only one spawns at a time, ask if you can take turns. If you need help killing creatures, ask them if they mind if you both work on the creature, and explain to them that you neeed help with them.  But be honest about it. Jumping on someone elses kills will result in consequences!
{  F  *  S  *  T  }
Friends Standing Together
"Friends helping friends and having fun together!"
Entended Rules And Policy:
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