Team Play
The team play during this tournament will be somewhat of a Halo Triathalon consisting of Capture the Flag (CTF), Oddball, and Team Slayer. Get your best Halo buddies together, start practicing, and represent before the gathering your abilities and teamwork. Can you keep up with your opponents or will you hide behind a boulder sucking your food nipple? This is an all out battle, if you fail then your team fails. If you dominate, then may you get team-killed.

   - Each team will consist of 4 players.

   - Scoring will be determined on a points system.

   - CTF: The game modifications will be CTF: Assault, standard weapons set (subject to change), no radar. One flag on the map at a time, therefore one team will defend, the other will attempt to take the flag and return it to their base. The map for this level will be Hang 'Em High. Play will consist of 2 rounds for each team; each round lasting 5 minutes. Each team will earn 2 points for every flag successfully captured and returned.

-Oddball: The game modifications for Oddball will be minimal. No radar of course, players
will move slower when holding the ball, and the map will have the standard weapons set (subject to change). There will only be one ball at a time on the map.The map for this event will be Wizard. The time limit for this event will be 5 minutes total. The scoring for this event is such that both teams may accumulate points: The top 3 players will earn a point for every minute they keep the skull. The winning team will receive an extra 2 points at the end of the match.

  - Team Slayer: The game modifications for Team Slayer will be no radar. Anything else goes. Dirty tricks, corpse humping, you name it. Just win. This will be to 100 kills. The map for this event is Prisoner. Bring your pistoleirs. Bring your snipers. Scoring on this will be one point per kill for all players on both teams.
Team Slayer
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