For 21 MARCH 2003 - CHANGE ONE

1.  Meeting called to order at 14:07.

2.  February minutes were reviewed by the General assembly and accepted.
Treasurer report was provided. 

3.  Committees:

    a.  Retirement/Transfer Committee Report:  
        Carl Sargent provided the following information:

	Name			Day/Date                Where			
	CTICM Matt Zullo        Fri, 1000, 29 Aug       Navy Memorial

	Name                    Transfer/Ultimate DS    CPOA Membership
	MWO Brian Kebic		27Jun03/CFIOG Ottawa	???00-JUL03


Name				Day/Date	           		Where			
CTMCS Greg Guidry       	Thu, 10 Apr       	Awaiting CTMCM Results
CTRC Mike Midkiff  		Fri,  1100, 9 May        Vigilance Park
CTRC Troy Barrall            	Fri,  9 May          	No Ceremony Desired
CTRC Walt Lee                 	Wed, 31 May       	No Ceremony Desired
CTICS Alan Tokumoto	TBD, Jun/Jul 		TBD
CTICM Matt Zullo           	Fri, 1000, 29 Aug       	Navy Memorial
CTOCS Kurt Brindley	Tue, 30 Sep		TBD
CTTC Fred Griffin		TBD, Sep 
CTICM Rex Dahlgren            	TBD, Sep 
CTIC Tom Roskelly            	TBD, Oct 
CTICM Anna Saunders	


Name                     		Transfer/Ultimate DS		CPOA Membership
DKC Howell Woods		07APR03/PSD Millington	SEP00-APR03
CTRCS Tom McGarry           18APR03/Seoul, Korea   	AUG00-APR03
CTMC John Rovendro	01MAY03
CTRC Eric Sternberg            	15MAY03/Goodfellow AFB	SEP02-MAR03
MWO Brian Kebic            	30JUL03/CFIOG Ottawa	???00-JUL03

b.  Social Committee Report:

     Flyers were passed out on upcoming events:  

�	18 April Right Hand Person event at Club Meade:  Event will be held in the Brass Lounge from 1300-1600.  RSVP to Crystal Quick (301) 688-3520/21, Carla Hester (410) 854-6595 or Megan Anlage (240) 373-3209.
Munchies are provided but it will be a cash bar.
�	30 May Golf Tournament Fundraiser/Social event:  Steve Orologas (240) 373-3191, Paul Pugh and Steve Pitzen (240) 373-3630, and Lou Tardona (240) 373-3246 will be running the Golf Tournament.  Cost will be $40.00 per person.  It will be 4 man teams.  Addition costs include:  $5.00 for 2 mulligans and 1 forward tee person, and $1.00 per foot for string.  Megan Anlage and Crystal Quick will be coordinating the non-golfing events at a pavilion to include the B-B-Q.  Golfers will join the fun after the tournament for the awards ceremony.
�	June Hail and Farewell:  This one will be conducted during the evening hours so retiree�s and family members can attend.  POC is Mark Smith.
�	July Family Event:  POC is Crystal Quick 
�	July/August Social event to welcome the Selectees.
�	5 September Dinning In:  POC is Gus Woolheater and Sue Ward
�	September Khaki Ball:  POC�s are Tim Echeverio and Sonny Montgomery.
�	October Halloween Party:  The Murder Mystery Cruise will be a no go since Halloween falls on a Friday and we would like maximum participation.  Still research alternatives.
�	Nov Hail and Farewell:  Late November/early December due to two holiday weekends in Nov)
�	5 or 12 December Holiday Party:  Researching at this time.

      c.  Sports/MWR Representative Report:  

�	Won basketball.  
�	There will be a 5 � 10K run this next month.  It will be coming out on e-mail.
�	Took 2nd place in Captains Cup Bowling.

d.	Community Action Report:  

 Not present at meeting.  

e.	Fundraising Committee Report:  

�	February fundraising � the CPOA supported CSC which brought in approximately $340.00.  A CSC event was not supported for March.   Will look into the April events. 
�	Doughnut Sale did not work due to scheduling problems with the NDB. 
�	There will be a Polish Pottery Sale on 27 March, 0900-1400 at OPS2A Flagpole.  If interested in helping out contact Barb Materna, Ken Kambich or Chris Nicosia.
�	The deadline has passed for recipe entries.  The deadline has been extended another month.  To date Bonnie Seevers has only received 10 total recipes.  Please email her at [email protected]  The deadline has been extended to 25 April.  
�	Car washes are scheduled on 30 May, 27 June, 25 July, and 29 August at Burger King.  Time TBD
f.	Scholarship Committee Report:

�	Deadline for applicants is 4 April.  Interviews are scheduled for April 21st.
No limit on how many scholarships can be given but total monies going out will be $4.500.00.  The By-Laws state requirements if interested.  

4.  Hail/Farewell:

a.	Hails:

CTMC Doug Disbennett is joining us from Whidbey Island

b.	Farewells:

DKC Howell Woods who was not in attendance

5.  Old Business:  NTR

6.  New Business:

a.	 Treasurer addressed the general membership of concerns and requested that
money be spent quickly.

b.	 A motion was made by the Scholarship Committee to increase the annual amount
of the scholarships given.  Discussion included this is our most important community involvement activity.  Motion was made to increase the amount to $8,000.00 this year, and be revisited next year for an increase.  Motion was carried. 

      c.   Tony Joyce addressed the general membership and asked for a $200.00 dollar donation for improvements an observation deck for the parents of children who ride horses for therapy.  Discussion of what was needed to make this happen.  A motion was made to allocate up to $500.00 for the project.  Motion was carried.

      d.   A motion was made to support retired chiefs who needed funding for a ROTC program.  Motion was made to give $300.00.  Motion was carried.   

7.  Good of the Order:  

a.	CTTC(RET) Ron Anderson mentioned his home buyers seminar will take place
the 7th of April at his offices.   HE provided information on FRA issues currently ongoing.  If anyone would like this information they can contact Carla Hester for the URL.

      b.   CTOCS(RET) Barry Hester had mentioned the goat locker was hosting an auction to raise funds to be able to maintain the web site.  He also mentioned the plank-owner program for funding.  Since this is a site used extensively by Chief Petty Officers he provided a copy of both programs for the general assembly to review.

      b.   Tony Joyce mentioned a walking roll-a-thon he was participating in.  He asked if anyone wanted to pledge they could see him after the meeting. 

      c.   It was mentioned to use the CPOA alias to a minimum right now due to the current situation.  It was recommended to have the minutes posted to the web sites so people could access them at their own liberty. 

8.  Meeting adjourned at 14:38.




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