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Last updated on June 16, 2001

Welcome to John Balderson's Homelessness Web Site

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It has been an extremely long time since I have found an article of general interest, not to mention the fact that I am a full time employee at Wal-Mart and do not have the time to dedicate to this web site as I used to.

Nevertheless, an article Bleed your neighbor appeared in the June 12, 2001 City Link about an organization in Michigan that wants to sue Arnold Abbott over the use of the name "Love Thy Neighbor".

I wish that the city of Fort Lauderdale and others would just leave Arnold alone and let him do his great work, as he has helped me and so many others.

On January 23, 2000, the long awaited article by Lisa Huriash from the Sun-Sentinel appeared in the January 23, 2000 Sunshine magazine. The article, A Tangled Web chronicles my life and the homelessness, job, and occasional alcohol problems I have encountered since moving to Fort Lauderdale.

In appreciation for all the help some of these organizations and the Cooperative Feeding Program have given me, you can now make an online donation using a SECURE connection by clicking on the DONATE NOW button at the left. Thank you for your continued interest in this web site.

Recent articles on homelessness in the local media:

Lisa Huriash's article about me from the January 23, 2000 Sunshine magazine
Changes for the future at the HAC after its 2 year anniversary of its opening

Please return to this web site often for new material as it becomes available.

To read previously posted articles, click on the icons for each individual newspaper.

If you wish to make comments, please sign my guestbook, or read my guestbook.

Thank you again for your interest.

John Balderson

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Love Thy Neighbor

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