THE HUNTER AND CONSERVATION..I respect wolfs but, not wolfs in sheep's clothing!
Upon a thorough evaluation recreational hunting is ecological..
          Many groups with the help of the spin doctors make people think hunters are bad people who just want to kill poor little animals..don't shoot bambi they say.Sounds good until you think."Bambi is a cartoon character!Ok,first off hunting seasons,  are there for a reason".So you don't shoot fawns.".This is right before the deer mate.And there are no babies. Hunters are the first ones to jump on anyones back that abuses the right to hunt .By, not following the rules and regulations .Illegal,unethical,or unthinking behavior.Is bad for wildflife and the public perception.Most hunters support severe penalties for those who knowingly violate regulations. Now, why hunt deer at all we can go to the market and get cow meat.I will explan .but really it comes down to this.So there will be deer.And there is a lot of famileys who can really use the meat.And wish too stand on thier own two feet.Not sucking up your tax dollars. Also,If over populated you will hit them even more with your cars And of course hurting people and the deer.Then leaveing them suffering in the road..picture that.. not a good thing to suffer as well, if the population goes to high as they eat up the crops. That hurts you: vegeterians, insurance co. banks,workers ect.#3 A home for the deer to live .land.with the license and tags sold each year wild life depts can ensure land for all wild life same goes for ducks stamps.ect as a group  Hunters know and respect the outdoors and the animals .And they are the ones who pay and fight to have a home for all animals .Most of the people who go around bad mouthing hunting don't have a clue.And they don't give support like the hunter.Look at all the road kill next time your out.Ok , lets move on to small game what about rabbits .Well, here is something people don't talk about to much.Back during ww2 when most the men was off to fight in the war.So there wasn't many hunters. The rabbit population grew so munch they were eating all the crops and at this time people really needed them.So, some people started poisioning the rabbits.And almost wipe em out.This can also happen with field mice, ground squirrels,prairie dogs ,moles ,crows,cyotes.And then hawks and other animals eat them and die and so on. not to mention a slow and painful death .That is a bad thing. cyotes will start feeding on cafes and other farm animals when the population is so big and compation for food grows.This is only natural.And no matter how long people live in the city and lose touch with the real world.They are still apart of the food chain. You can be eaten by a wild animal if you are in the right place at the right time".Reality" what else, hunting is too dangerous ..well,check the facts ..on # of injuries HUNTING AND  ACTIDENTAL SHOOTINGS are well under all of these activities
soccer,golfing,driving your car,on and on..if any one says different tell em to show you facts..And if you are still totally opposed to hunting are not being reasonable and openen minded to the facts  ..IMHO..Oh and you may want to do these things so you won't be a hypocrite. Don't eat meat,oh wait plants are living things too.Don't in a place made from non wood, or any other product from the earth. and  or plastic  building materials that may  be from living things or gases that hurt the environment.And it must be an apartment. Give the land back to the animals .Don't wear or use- silk; wool ,cotton, leather-tenn shoes.make up ,glue,and there is more.Don't fish..and ride a dam bicycle no public trans for you that still polutes......
Hunting lots of stuff to help you
A note to the anti -crowd
Bowhunting with state talk forms to new hunters ..
  Great  links  Bow hunter magazine all kinds of neat stuff.
Studies have shown most Americans believe that recreational hunting is morally acceptable ,Just be legal 'ethical and Responseable.
Look, here is what the animal right groups say .Hunting is cruel and unethical.However,they some how miss the fact that letting animals starve to death after the land can't supply the large ammounts of food they need  Is what is really cruel. I wish the animals had all the land they needed .But, with the growing numbers of people coming in and people living longer and longer in our country..The animals are losing  more and more land.Hunters fight for land and space for the animals all the time. And these so called groups  that supposedly care about animal welfare. ,Do nothing to stop the two ton bullets from speeding down the roads mowing down wild life.
or even talk about wanting to take away your right to own a pet.But that is what many of them wish to do.Ask your vet what he thinks of PETA.These groups want your kids to drink beer in place of milk.How crazy is that ? What they are doing is playing on peoples first feelings .With out thinking the matter though And getting rich off their pray.This of coures is one man's opinion.And I just have to ask do you think these people let bugs and snakes crawl around in thier homes?CHECK THEM OUT YOURSELF
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Cody messick
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