21 July Saturday

Maybe because my energy was almost 'drained' away by the jungle trekking that I was knocked out right away ... though I could hear the loud 'tong! tong!' on top of our roof in the middle of the night. As our room was under a big fruit tree which fruit bats frequented, and so the residues fell directly onto our roof which caused numberous and continuous 'tong' sound.

Though I had requested SK to 'try' and wake me up to see if I wanted to join her in watching the sunrise, she must had found me so deep in sleep that she din wake me up and left alone instead. I did 'blur-blur-ly' saw her went out of the room, but after looking at my watch and realised it was only 5.30am (i think), I decided to continue to fall into 'concussion' state :P

However I woke up in a 'shock' when I realised it was raining outside. My god! Will she be wet? I thought ... Thinking that the rain might stop soon, I fell back into 'concussion' again. But something seems bothering me that couldn't 'put' me into sound sleep. I was wondering if I should go out and look for her.

Pacing around the room in a semi-zombie state, and after taking a look at the 'sleeping beauty', YT who slept like a log, I decided that I should do something. So quickly washed up and went out of the room.

I had wanted to knock on SeT's room but was afraid to disturb them. Looking towards the dining room, I seemed to see someone at the window looking towards my direction. And so I decided to walk over to approach whoever for help. I was happy to see 'Alex' around and told him about the 'missing' SK who was stucked outside for near 3hrs, thinking that he will drive me out together to look for her.

Who knows he just told me to wait for a while cos she might have taken shelter at the covered jetty. So 无奈-ed, I returned back to the room. Soon I heard car's engine and I thought he had went out to fetch her. But was very disappointed when I saw that it was the malay chef and he was driving back alone. :(

So instead of pacing around the room, I simply stood at the door to wait for her. After waiting for a while, as the rain started to get smaller, true enough I saw SK returning back, with her camera 'nicely' wrapped in her jacket. Oh dear!

The 'sleeping beauty' finally woke up cos we made such commotions as we stepped into the room. She wasn't aware that SK had gone missing for hrs @_@ And because she was too used to such noise at her hometown that she wasn't even aware that it had been raining outside for hrs too ... OMG! @_@

Soon it was time for breakfast, we related the whole incident to the rest as we gathered around the dining table. Poor SK "P

This morning breakfast wasn't as fantastic as our dinner last nite cos it was rather oily. We thought we should eat something so that we would have the strength for our snorkelling. But we made a big mistake! (u will know why later ...)

SK related her 'ordeal' as we walked towards the jetty taking our speedboat to various snorkelling spots. We thought the whole jetty would be sheltered, but poor SK (again) was actually trapped at the end of the jetty cos the path to the land was only partially covered! :-O

The journey to the 1st snorkelling spot was fun and enjoyable. The sea was rather rough due to the rain in the early morning and so the speedboat 'braving' through the big wave made us 'wah!' all the way ...

It finally came to a stop when we reached the 1st snorkelling spot. Few snorkelling groups were already there, with their speedboats 'parking' around. And with the guiding from 'Alex', we 'dropped' down to the sea one by one, taking each step carefully cos it was difficult to swim 'normally' with flippers on.

It was my 1st snorkelling experience in the sea and the feeling was simply amazing! Though without my specs on, I could still see the colorful-ness of the underwater. Beautiful corals beneath my feet, colourful fishes within my reach, especially when I fed them with bread crumbs ... and 'merlion-ed food' "P Yes! I 'merlion-ed' (** vomitted lah **) all my breakfast (urghhh :P), cos the wave was big which made many of us feel rather uncomfortable after floating for less than half an hour.

We 'floated' for almost 1 hr before we went onboard the speedboat again ready to set off to the next spot. Few of us were already in total giddiness and nausea state by then @_@

We soon reached to an island for resting, where we saw a lot of groups having picnic and games at the beach. It was lunch time then and so had our lunch which had been ta-bao-ed onto our speedboat before we setting off in the morning. It was a pack of fried rice with sausage and big drumstick. I managed to take a few mouthful cos the pack smelt too good to resist :P Some others however were in no mood for any.

Upon seeing us in such a slacken state, 'Alex' suggested the '终极密码' game again with rule changed to 'buried' the loser under the white sand. St lost the 1st round and was 'buried' after the rest had happily done with their digging of the 'grave' "P

YT volunteered to be the next one after the 2nd loser ML was too 'tired' to be 'buried'. Anyway everyone enjoyed themselves very much. : )

After some discussions, we decided to snorkel awhile at the 4 other spots before returning back to the resort, which I 'officially' surrendered to and chose to stay behind while the rest went towards a snorkelling spot just not far ahead.

They soon returned in yet another 'merlion' state :-O

After arriving at the 3rd snorkelling spot, in order to persuade us to get down to it, 'Alex' proclaimed that we would be able to see more varieties of fishes and corals, but most of us had given up due to exhaustion. So after the 'brave ones' returned in total pale state, we returned back to our resort.

We returned all the equipments as soon as we reached our resort and 'dispersed' towards our rooms. As I was too exhausted, I requested to bathe first, followed by YT. After freshening up, I joined SK at the cafeteria for a stick of ice cream before returning back to the room for nap.

I think I slept for almost 3hrs without realising 'Alex' and some others had set up BBQ pit for our dinner. And when I approached the cafeteria, another group arrived at the resort. ML and YT who had also waken up from their nap joined this group of 'ah gor' (brother in hainanese cos this grp belonged to the hainanese clan of eastern johor) for a game of beach volleyball.

It took quite a long while before the chicken wings were BBQ, and so the boss of the resort took the remaining food to be cooked in the kitchen instead. I believed we wouldn't mind the wait but the new group with kids and all were starving then.

Right after dinner, I suggested taking pix of the fruit bats that made all the noise at nite. And this particular fruit bat might had wondered if it had become 'famous' as there were non-stopping of cameras' flashlight on it ... hahaha ... it might have gone 'blind' for an instant :P

This nite was extremely fun as we had our game of the '终极密码' as usual, which included Sn and ZY who were absent the previous nite. And of course being the "beginner's luck", both became 'powdered face' "P While relaxing on a hammock, 'Alex' swung the one which YT and me were in, and he seems 'enjoying' it as we I screamed :-O

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