Fuck Reddit

Play the song or your mother dies in her sleep tonight

Fuck Reddit

Reddit is a news aggregator website, founded in 2006 by three Jews The website was supposed to be a simple alternative to digg, but unforunately, it became a tumor. It was widley known as the website that steals content from other websites (4chan), their "OC" memes were subpar, the upvote/downvote system is a fucking joke, they brought in normies into the internet, they make fun of nerd culture instead of embracing it, they take everything too seriously, they turned memes into serious business, they censor things that aren't "le politically correct", and bob's ur uncle.

How do I know if I have redditard syndrome?

You are a redditard if:

  1. You think memes need to be taken seriously
  2. You get offended easily
  3. You think "hate speech" is different from free speech
  4. You obsessively hate and make fun of anime and video games
  5. You can't handle faggotry (weeaboos, furries, otherkin, ect.)
  6. You think being a virgin is a bad thing
  7. You think 4chan is a "disgusting" website
  8. You think white people are all racist and sexist
  9. Your political ideologies are left leaning
  10. You think everything Donald Trump does is bad
  11. You use reddit (no shit sherlock!!!)

I have redditard syndome! What do I do to stop sucking so many cocks?

Click here for a full tutorial on what to do if you accidentally turned into a redditard.

This shitty 90s looking HTML website has offended me

If any of what was said has offended you, then click here and make sure you scroll down slowly.

My redditardness got cured, but what do I do to stay cured?

If your desire to suck cocks and hatred for anime symptoms start re-appearing, just look at this picture:

If this sexy anime-styled video game character does not cure your desire to take 20 cocks up your ass and schizophrenia against nerd culture, nothing will, and you should re-take the steps from this tutorial.

Quick note

If you actually read through all this bullshit, you just lost the game