Throughout all that I am doing, I am most definitely going to be in great need of some support and aid.  Most definitely I will need it prayerfully, as that is the most practical and powerful way anyone could help me.  But also I will be in need of help financially.  Sometimes God will impress on someone's heart to support someone this way.  This page is to help those who feel they would like to support me financially or in any other way to know how exactly to go about doing that.
"Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.  Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not relunctanly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." 2 Corinthians 9:3
5 Methods of Practical Support:
PAOC Website Online Support -
          - You can go there and make an online donation at any time. It's quick and easy to do. Save on postage and time.
Mail to the PAOC - You can also send a cheque to the PAOC made out to the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. Make sure you put a note on it indicating that you want it to go to my budget, ie. Drew Higgs budget.
         - PAOC
           2450 Milltower Court
           Mississauga, On.
           L5N 5Z6
Support through Local Church - If you are living around the area where I live or happen to attend a Church that is supporting me, then you could always just put a donation into the offering, making sure you put a note on it that it is for missions and is to go toward my budget.
Material Support - If you would like to support me another way but not financially, I will be in need of a materials for my mission as well as finances. I will be working with kids a lot, and also doing a lot of sports as well, so I will be in great need of materials geared towards fascilitating those areas. I will have a list below of specific things I'll be needing. In this case for sending support the best way would probably be to bring whatever material you feel you can support me with to me personally. If I've already left, you can always send it to me in Rwanda as well. The address for Rwanda will be listed below
Overseas Communication - I will  be needing emotional support when I finally leave as well. I'm very much going to need to be in contact often with people over here just to keep me grounded and strong. If you would like to send me e-mails, my address is on the main page. For letters, postcards, etc., the address you'll be able to send me things at in Rwanda will be just below. Note: Don't try to send me money in any way to this address, because that is illegal. It could get me in big trouble. It all must go through the PAOC.
           - Drew Higgs
             Elmer and Sherry Komant
             Box 4324
             Kigali, Rwanda
Material Needs List:
- Children's Christian group leadership books:
          - Games and activities
          - Dramas
          - Bible study lesson
- Children's Christian worship music cds
- Sports Equipment
          - Basketball
          - Soccerball
          - Football
          - Volleyball
          - Small plastic hockey sticks
- Washroom supplies (for personal use)
More materials may be listed over time as the needs come to my attention
Note: It would be greatly appreciate if materials were new and unused, as they will need to endure quite a bit of wear in Rwanda
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