December 20th
Happy Holidays
   Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and all of that from rainy Kigali, Rwanda. The same usual stuff going on here in Rwanda. With every blessing from God everyday also there seems to come a blunder of some sort, and it is truly a bittersweet life. But in the end life is good and God is awesome. He provides and sustains, allowing blunders to come to help us to grow strong.
   The kid's Christmas play is over. It was Sunday night, and it went pretty good, as far as 5 scene kid's christmas plays go. I enjoyed getting to do it and all, but I am also relieve it is over. We had a lot of practices the last week, and my throat has been a little sore the last 4 days, I think as a result from having to yell a fair bit to keep the kids quiet and doing what theyre suppost to be doing. The night after the Christmas play, we had our kid's party for the end of the year. That was also a little chaotic and stressful, but the kids had fun. My throat was a little more exasperated from that night, but I should be on good recovery now. I get about two weeks break until the new year starts up. A two weeks I will certainly enjoy very much.
     Now I realize I mentioned I would have a bunch of my pictures from the safari I went on up here by now. I promise I have good reason for why there obviously is a very big lack of new pictures. I was checking out all the new pictures on this computer at the church office (my computer is still in care for repairs because of virus issues remember) and my camera started acting odd. So I unhooked it, then it started doing problematic things, telling me there was an error and having to shut down and all. Now actually all my camera does, is if there are batteries in the camera at all, whether it is on or off or a memory card in or not, it flashes a white screen, black for half a second then back to white. It does that for about 5 minutes then just goes black, until I touch it again or the batteres go out. Thats all my camera does now. It got viruses on it from that computer at the Church, now it seems basically wrecked. So Im going to have my computer guy look at this too, but I don't know how much he'll be able to do for it. If he can fix it, then Ill have new pictures up as well as those ones prementioned in a while. If not, then I suppose the photo album will pretty much have to stay as is for the rest of my just over 4 months I have left.
      Banking woes. So I didn't get my bank card when they couriered it out to me before my trip. I emailed my CIBC contact and found out they can't courier to a PO Box, but only an address. Something I wouldn't have minded being told earlier. So they couriered it out again about two weeks ago, and I got it yesterday. Guess what, I bet you can't. I opened up the package excitedly as I've been waiting for my card for what's near 3 months now. took out this flimsy little enveloped,... didn't feel a card. Ripped it open. They sent me my security number. I KNOW my security number. What I NEED is my BANK CARD! There was no card, just a security number, which I already know. Totally useless. Please don't take my capital letters for anger though. I'm really not angry at all, just making my point. I think it is just sad that a bank could be so incredibly incompetent. My mom will have my signed power of attorney forms soon, and so she'll be able to send me money from my account very shortly, whether I have my bank card or not, which is a relief.
     So, plans for Christmas? Baically just to sleep and relax as much as possible. I have had an invite to someone's house for Christmas. Hopefully I will be able to confirm that invite tonight. Other than that, not much planned at all. And I am alright with that. I just want to rest for a while. The I will have just over 3 months left of work to do here, and I will be heading home. I will need the rest to be ready to finish off my time here successfully I think.
     In other news, I have been feeding my great appetite for studying ideas about the tribulation and all that (I have a small passion for the study of Revelation) by reading the 'Left Behind' series. It is a good book series that any Christians should read I think. But I am about half way through about to borrow book 6 out of 12 from the Komants.
     Other than that there is not much more to report. If you have any questions or want to wish me a Merry Christmas, feel free! My e-mail is on the home page. I would in fact encourage you to feel free to e-mail me. I think some have forgotten me slightly with my having been away for so long now and the busyness and all of the season. I still like hearing from people whenever, honestly! E-mail me whenever. I promise I'll email you back. I'm good for that. Thankyou for reading, and thankyou for your prayers. God bless you all this Christmas season, and may you all have the very best Christmas with family and friends that could ever possibly be had.
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