January 13 06
   So as I'm sure you got from the main page, the interview went rather well. I believe for sure the hardest part for me was having to get out of bed at about 6:30. I got into Langley and then into the PAOC office just before my meeting, like five minutes before. Before hand I had actually thought that it was going to be a one on one interview with Dale from the head office, but I was talking to him when I got there and he told me just to wait because no one from the council had gotten there yet. The council? That was news to me, but I just pretended like it was fine and I expected that. Wouldn't want to look suprised or taken off guard or anything, I'm far too smooth for that haha. Anyways, there was about 7 people including Dale and Kory Sorenson asking me all these questions about absolutely everything for what I think was almost an hour. I was as honest and open as I could be about absolutely everything. In retrospect there were some things I discussed that I believe others may have hidden a little, but I thought outfront honesty was the way to go. Clearly it went well and my crazy ideas of honesty must have worked because I got a call from Dale later and he told me that I'd been accepted!
    Here's something interesting though. Just before I got that call from Dale, I'd been checking my e-mail, and I got a fraudulent e-mail from ebay. It said someone had been using my account to make false bids and to please fill out the form to speed up the process. It was asking for all my credit card information. I thought this was strange and suspicious all the way through, but it looked very legitimate. I put in all my info and sent it, then found out very quickly after that for sure it was a scam, so I called my credit card company and blocked my card, and I'm having a new one sent to me now. Just as I was about to call the place Dale called me, so I'm sure I sounded slightly nervous and like I wasn't paying too much attention on the phone.
    Anyways, that was my busy and interesting day very briefly. Now I get to really get to the real work of preparing to go. As much as I needed your prayers before for everything up to this point, and for the interview, I'm going to need them so much more as I go around trying to find some more support, gather more supplies and prepare for this trip in every way. The Aid section is open and ready to go! Keep tuned into the site. As I've said before, and this is more relevant every time, things are really starting to take off.
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