October 4
     Hey there.  It's been a little bit of a break, but I'm back. Since I last wrote I was in Ontario for the Transitions Conference of the PAOC which went definitely awesome well, and then right off the the Queen Charlotte Fishing Lodge. I was there working on the Driftwood, which is a big fishing boat for about two or three weeks, then I was back on land after the end of the season for about two weeks doing rig down,which is basically just putting everything away and getting ready for the winter. Unfortunately I ran out of work at the QCL and didn't get to stay out there quite as long as I was planning to be. But anyways I'm back at home in Delta now and things are going pretty well. I'll be helping out at Delta Pentecostal's Kids Club, and basically doing random things all through this month, having meetings and filling out assessment packages and all those sorts of things. I believe then in November after a short trip to spend some time with my grandma and then my dad up in the interior, Ill be back here again looking for a job which I'll only be at for a couple of months, right up to when I leave. That's the plan for right now. I still have a bit to do and so there's no dates for departure yet, but things are coming along pretty well. Feel free to pray for me that these meetings I'm going to be in and these assesment packages and more interviews and things will go well.
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