Cadets Grading March 2004

The March grading was, if possible, of even higher standard than the December 2003. Twenty three cadets all graded and passed with several giving exceptional performances giving Sensei Mick no other choice than to double grade them.

Well done to
B. Payne and especially to C. Frielander who double graded after an excellent performance. Both of them achieved the level of 5th Kyu
Congratulations to: J. Hill, L. Heather, R. Heather and B. Wilson all of whom double graded to 6th Kyu. As the four are of a suitable standard and age Sensei Mick has asked them to train in the youth/adults class. A special well done to them all.
Well done to: L. Criminale, J. Barnsley, L. Barnsley, J. Denman, A. Johnson, D. King and G. Young all of whom graded to 7th Kyu
Well done to: S. Bilsland, L. Gill, A. Harbour, A. Johnson, C. Palmer, C. Penfitt, K. Regnier, S. Regnier, J. Welch and M. Worsfold all of whom graded to 8th Kyu
Well done to all those who graded
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