Training Holiday Portugal 2006

October saw 4 members of the Fudo Ken Ryu club venture out to Portugal for the C.M.A.A Traning holiday, but it wasn't enough to just train under national and international instructors, Sensei Mick and 2 of his students chose to attempt their next Dan Grand, the first members of the C.M.A.A to do a dan grading in Portugal. So on Saturday 7th, on a very hot afternoon they were put through a tough and very random grading by Andrew Morrell, Ray Bell and Braian Barnes, at the end of it all had passed.

Well done to:-

Mike Czajkowski 3rd Dan
Keith Boot 2nd Dan
Chris McCormick 2nd Dan
Ray Bell 6th Dan, Keith Boot 2nd Dan, Mike Czajkowski 3rd Dan, Chris McCormick 2nd Dan, Andrew Morrell 6th Dan.
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