Do you want to build a fuel cell?

No problem. For this purpose, two platinum wires are needed which act as electrodes. All other ingredients will be found in the kitchen cupboard, tool-box or supermarket.

Why platinum electrodes?

We need the catalytic activity of the platinum surface. Otherwise a fuel cell would not work at room temperature.

Our fuel cell

The effects can be seen on a voltmeter: they appear as quite a high voltage of about 1.4 V, i.e. they are easily detectable. But the fuel cell is too weak to drive a lamp or motor. The small power output is a result of the low surface area of our platinum electrodes.

Need more power?

In this case, we would rather advise you to buy a kit containing a higher power fuel cell which, however, will be quite uninstructive since one cannot see how it works. Teachers who want to deal with the fuel cell in physics or chemistry classes will want to have both: a small gas battery for eperimentation by the pupils and a professional fuel cell that can do more work than just operate a voltmeter.

See how it works

The next page shows the experiment in little movies.


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