<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/fuentezlobo/http://us.share.geocities.com/fuentezlobo/sweethoney.mp3" LOOP=INFINITE>
So ya im just a nice guy. talk to me and find out if you think so also.

this is my attempt to explain what im lookin for in a girl. most of all she has to have nice nails. she has to know how to dress well. i dont want no chick that wears fucking trucker hats. not goin to lie i dont like tall chicks. by tall i mean girls that are within an inch of me. i really like short girls i dont know why. i just do. as for skin color i really dont care. i think that all races have beautiful girls. as for hair again color doesnt matter to me but let me tell you i have long hair and it might look weird if i have longer hair than you it just depends on the person. body type is a hard thing for me. its all about being proportional. i have seen many thick beautiful girls. i will say this i dont find super skinny girls attractive its like id be hugin a young tree. its not worth my time. i need a girl with some meat on her bones. the girls i meet and like have no set standard but its really something that i have to see to see if i like it. so the best way for me to see if i think your hot is to send me a pic. ok this is another revalation that i have had lately. here it is. i dont want a girl that falls into one catogory (i spelled that wrong). this is what i mean. i have dated the arty girl, the soccer girl, the snowboard girl, the try to be fashionable girl, the writer girl and i dont want any of them. they just dont fit me. ya they are cool as fuck as friends but they just dont work out with me. sorry to say but i want more of a generic style of girl. its like since im not a snow boarder and im not all into anything all to hard core i cant date someone who is. i need a girl that is down to try alot of different things and doesnt have one big thing in her life that totally takes her life over. its like i need someone with simular interest but since i dont have a big interest in my life like art or anything like that i need a girl that doesnt have one big thing in her life also. so if you are reading this and you are stuck on one activity or if you are a intense party girl or if you know you look forward all year for something that happens only four months of the year (for example skiing, snowboarding, any sport) or if you feel that if you dont do something specific everyday that your day wont be complete then you might not want to talk to me cause im not the person you are lookin for.
Senior Picture (i know its old)
fuentezlobo on yahoo and aim
Me and my Sister's dog Sophie
Me, my cousin javier, and my brother michael
I love Simpsons and family guy . thats the bottom line
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