The American Star ship wreck and how to find it
The wreck of the American Star is one of the most eerie sights on Fuerteventura - one that will probably give you the most memorable photograph of your holiday.
     This towering ocean going liner is not easy to find. It lies in an iolated cove on the western side of the island but it is well worth the effort of getting there.
   Situated on the Playa de Garcey, it rests tantalisingly just off shore in an isolated cove away from prying eyes.
     The American Star was once the biggest single class liner in the world. Thousands of British families travelled on it when it was used during the days of the £10 assisted package to start new lives in Australia.
     Just before its final voyage in 1994, The American Star was sold to the Chaophraya Development Transport Company which planned to tow it to Thailand and convert it into a floating hotel.
   The journey began New Years Eve 1993 and the ship passed Gibraltar on January 12 1994  in perfect towing conditions. But the next day just 100 miles off the coast of Morocco the weather deteriorated and on Saturday January 15 the tow line snapped.

   The next day the tug crew managed to attach an emergency tow line but the bad weather – which deteriorated into force 12 winds, caused the emergency tow line to break.
   In a last bid to save the ship, sailors from the Ukranian tug were sent aboard to connect two ropes to the tug. But these also broke and finally the sailors had to be lifted off the liner by helicopter.
  The ship drifted and early on the January 18, the American Star ran aground on the west coast of the island of Fuerteventura . No effort was made to re-float her (it was said because of disagreements between the insurance company and salvage crews) and just 48 hours later she broke in two.

   During the days following the shipwreck, word spread and local islanders flocked to salvage all they could from the ship – furniture, brass plates, crockery, interior fittings. Indeed, to this day, there is a café in Puerto del Rosario “El Naufragio” which is completely furnished from windows to the bar with items taken from the wreck. You can find the café at the corner of Avda de Mayor and Jesus y Maria.
   Conspiracy theorists ask why the ship took the route it did, why it wasn’t taken through the Suez Canal and why there was no attempt to re-float her.

   During the first few days following the shipwreck, the American Star could be reached by boat.
     And although the ship appears close to the shore in a peaceful bay, there are strong currents and at lest eight people have died trying to explore the ship.
      Today, all that is left is the bow of the ship rising majestically from the waves. Eventually, this too will give way to the power of the sea.
Ship wreck of the American Star in Fuerteventura
Start your day with a visit to Ajuy, a small fishing village, and explore the attractive cliff top walk and interesting rock formations. After a snack of local prawns take the only road back out of the village and after about ten minutes drive you will come back to the junction of the main Pajara-Costa Calma road.
    Turn right and after about 1.8kms look out for a sign on the right saying “Zona Prohibida Pesca Submarina” and take the dirt road at this sign.
     Follow the track back towards the sea. After 2.7kms you will pass what appears to be a gypsy settlement. Follow the track left here and past a stone engraved “La Solara”.
      Continue along this track and eventually, in the distance, you will glimpse the rising hulk of The American Star.
      Unless you have a four wheel drive, walk down to the beach. To the right is a cave and from in this cave, you will probably take the photograph of your holiday.
      Although the route there is along a dirt track, it is passable with care
For the full, fascinating history of The American Star - CLICK HERE
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