Project: In Bloom


Official headquarters for the new science fiction novel, In Bloom, by Andrew Knox. Set thirty years in the future, the protagonist stumbles through a monotonous and difficult existence in a world controlled by the island nation of Tokelau and all of the hackers attached to them. There are three seperate endings that will be in the book. Good news for me! A page in a novel is about 250 words, and one of the pages in my book so far is about 516 in Microsoft Word, so I have twice as much book as I thought I did! If anybody knows of an available publisher, e-mail me at [email protected]! (This book was originally known as "Ignorance is Bliss", but was changed at the writer's discretion.)

Sample Chapter:

I hope that that competely out of context chapter was pleasing, the format of my book is a whole bunch of very short chapters, about a page or two each, so, about 60 chapters estimated. Also, that is the second rough draft of that chapter and has not been entirely polished yet.

Chapters Drafted:

This list is out of order