//this program is for your remote control //Message 1 is to go back //Message 2 is to go front //Message 3 is to turn right //when downloading this program, switch off your slave //I assume you have 3 touch sensors // Be careful how you wired up the sensors task main() //master { SetSensor(SENSOR_1, SENSOR_TOUCH); SetSensor(SENSOR_2, SENSOR_TOUCH); SetSensor(SENSOR_3, SENSOR_TOUCH); while (true) { if (SENSOR_1 ==1) { SendMessage(1); Wait (50); //slave go back if sensor 1 is activated } if (SENSOR_3 ==1) { SendMessage(2); Wait (50); //slave go front } if (SENSOR_2 ==1) { SendMessage(3); Wait (50 ); //slave turn right } } }