Useful resources

Updated 12/12/2006

Bible Teachers

Truth For Life - Alistair Begg -Our pastor at Parkside church. Website has a 30 day archive of radio broadcasts
Ravi Zacharius International Ministries - In high demand as a speaker at colleges and around the world.
Ligonier Ministries (R.C. Sproul) - Renew your mind


WorldServe Ministries - Support persecuted pastors and their families. Serving in countries such as China, Vietnam, Cuba and Ethiopia.
Freedom House Center for Religious Freedom: A great resource for up-to-date information on the persecuted church.
Compassion International - an inexpensive way to help a needy child

General Christianity

Christian Classics Ethereal Library - electronic versions of classic Christian writings
Jonathan Edwards Center - Yale Divinity school collection of the writings, etc. of Jonathan Edwards.
Into the Wardrobe - website dedicated to C.S. Lewis
Charles Spurgeon Archive - the "prince of preachers"
Banner of Truth - Recovering the best literature of historical Christianity. Check the 'Articles' link when you're there.

Valuable Sites

ESV Online Bible - accurate and clear translation, faithful to the original text.
Daily Bible Readings - uses Robert Murray M'Cheyne's bible reading calendar with links to online bible text.
Parkside Church - our church in Cleveland
Matthew Henry Bible Commentary
Today's Spurgeon Morning Devotional
Today's Spurgeon Evening Devotional
Jewish World Review - Contains the latest columns by leading conservative writers.
NY Times online

Must Reading

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