The World According To Fujicat Fujicat's Self-Help Home Page

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FACING ONE'S FEARS WITH A NEW ATTITUDE Welcome back......I thought I would start this week off a little different, by getting a little more personal about myself. I can tell you that I am a 35 year old female, who is complex and yet simple. I thrive on predictability and seldom like change, but I work real hard on being more flexible. I get up most mornings and I am scared shi....less, but I get up and look forward to what ever that day has to offer. Thats part of what I call self evolution. I find that life has a way of forcing me to reevaluate my core belief and value system and sometimes multiple times in the same day. There has been times when I allowed my fears to keep me from living life and moving forward with my life. Multiple things scared me, things like fear of making mistakes, fear of sounding like an idiot, fear of people finding out that I was scared, fear of failing and even fear of being myself. But, I went back to school three years ago, entering into an adult accelerated dual degree program and it was the nightmare from hell. Most days I spent kicking, screaming and crying. Elton John's song, "I'm still standing," became my theme song and right of passage. Even though this was probably the three most traumatic years of my life, I walked away with an altered view of my value and belief system. My belief system started to change and I discovered that its okay to be scared shi....less as long as you don't let those fears stop you from living. My value system also started to change and I discovered that none of the fears were important, because everyone has fears for all kinds of reasons. Some based in truth and reality and some completely generated from within....but all okay. During this time I started to discover the value of family and friends and it was like my eyes had been opened for the first time. Again a change in my value and belief system, because these people allowed me to make mistakes, told me if I sounded like an idiot, knew I was scared, allowed me to fail, allowed me to be myself and most important they laughed not just at me, but with me. They taught me the value of not taking myself so serious, to laugh out loud, helped me to see the irony found within my fears and most important they showed me the value of family and friends. Three years later they are all still here with me and all my fears. Don't get me wrong I am still initially apprehensive of all of those things, but I try to put more energy into being happy and accepting of me and I put more energy into accepting the challenges that embracing living life has to offer. I like the lines that Lord Alfred Tennyson wrote in his poem Ulysses...TO STRIVE, TO SEEK, TO FIND, AND NOT TO YIELD. So we may all always keep are fears, but we all have the opportunity to change are perception of there impact in our lives.......Good Luck!!! Until next time................Fujicat

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