Welcome to my website, dedicated to one of the best anime's ever created...

Kagome Higurashi fell into the ancient bone eaters well while trying to find her cat, buyo, on her 15th birthday. Surrounded by a brilliant blue light, Kagome found herself transported 500 years into the past. There she met the village miko, Kaede, and accidentally released the hanyou, Inuyasha, who had been pinned to the ancient Goshinboku tree 50 years earlier by Kaede's older sister, Kikyou. Inuyasha defeats Mistress Centipede, who has attacked the village, and discovers that the shikon no tama is still in existance, 50 years after he first attempted to steal it! The jewel, however, breaks and scatters into hundreds of pieces that shoot out all over Japan! Kagome and Inuyasha now must travel together in search of the shards and complete the shikon no tama before the evil Naraku gains control of the powerful shards.

Check out the sites i have posted under links. They're great!

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