Big Fat Ass!!! sucks!
-links- -pix- -flyers- -scene-
Hey Fuckers!!!  Thanks for being bored enough to check out our website.  You should um, like come back alot because there might be more stuff on here later.  We've got tons of shit coming up so stay tuned..............................................
Upcoming shows!:
We Really, Really Have An Update For Once!!!
so yes, there may be a b.f.a. show soon.  and don't tell anyone but, we hope for an inspector 12 show too.  this may not happen until november, but we'll see. 
anyway, check out firecracker studios on friday, june 3rd.  it's a stencil art exhibit.  1917 winnebago street, madwiz.
Recent show at Old Man Willy's,
right before the beer ran out
(note concerned look on Dustin's Face).
Talk To TheAss!!! Our guestbook is currently all fucked-up, so please sign the guestbook at
Pictures of the 'Ass
(touch my monkey) ->
our story:
so, no one can kill the ass, but I can't say for sure that we'll ever play again.  you can't keep a good band down though.  damn, I wish we were a good band.  seriously though, bryan moved to appleton and is saving money and hopefully not becoming another white republican.  rory is still around I here but I never see him.  Jethro and Chris started things fall apart in the screamo metal veign and Jesse and Dustin started N.F.S. (next fucking song, or nothing forever stays, or nifty fruit salad) with two of the cardshark devils. I will be updating with our upcoming shows.  I still check [email protected] if you want to get ahold of us.  and who knows?  we might get bored and want to play again sometime........also as of october 2004 there is a new band in the land.  flywheel jesse on drums deegan on bass nick on guitar and jeremy and paul discider on vocals.
ADEBISI lives!
A List of Guys who don't get laid:
Write to Jesse
(he gets lonely)
Malcolm Fat Ass: Vocals
Malcolm Arorybonerallass: Now resides in florida
Malcolm Dikonphire: Bass now on Guitar
Malcolm Jamal-Porner: Drums
New Member: Malcolm Santyclaws: Bass
Jesse Ass
1105 Williamson St.
Madwiz 53703
(608) 256-3864
Check out our links page, beeyotch!!!
Malcolm Runningnose: Guitar Waste your parents' money!!!
Vegetarian Alcoholics records -available now
--V.A.001 Freddy Faggot- debut solo album (tape or c.d.r.)
this is good stuff, accustic, drunk, breaking strings, and breaking hearts
--V.A.002 BIG FAT ASS- glug  13 song c.d. + bonus stuff (click to see review) $8 ppd
mix of pop-punk/ hardcore punk, silly songs, smart songs, smart ass silly songs
--V.A.003 N.F.S./Cardshark Devils split c.d.r. $6 ppd
four new cardshark songs and the debut of nothing forever stays (1/2 cardshark members 1/2 b.f.a.) great recording quality
same old punkabilly/thrash sing along stuff

BFA T-shirts $9 ppd. 4 color on black (M, L or XL)
BFA stickers-  big ass bumper stickers black on white or silver for $1 or free with c.d. or shir
Bonus Deal!
   Get both
a Glug! c.d. and B.F.A. T-shirt $15 ppd!!!
  ordering info:  just send your order to 1105 williamson st., madison, wi 53703 and make your check out to jesse jensen.  
or e-mail me.

here's a some what current and past look at the madison scene through my eyes. know your history
will be updated soon.  I swear.
(we look at our site alot)
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