Astral Projection

If you possess the Body of Light feat, you can enter a state of meditative trance through the use of meditation. You can take others along, but you'll need some sort of hallucinogen and a very small room with poor ventilation. Peyote works just fine, as does a shed out behind someone's place.

You could also walk there, but you use your normal meat body rules when you're there. You may ask yourself, then, why would anyone astrally project? By projecting, you can get where you're going immediately, you don't run the risk of dying, and your residual self-image isn't as restrictive as your meat when it comes to the types of things you can do.


There are three major types of locations to keep in mind when traveling the realms. These are the stream, axis mundi, or flow, layers, and realms. These are the major places you will be visiting in a projected state.

The stream, also called the void, the axis mundi, and the flow, is empty and full of nothing but a bubbling "river" of formless energy, a vast expanse of void that can be sailed, flown, or otherwise traveled through forever before encountering anything worthwhile. Creatures of many kinds dwell here, and the distance seems to churn with strange foundations and colors amid the interminable blackness. Travelers have trouble maintaining cohesion in it, since it's not supposed to be expressed as a three-dimensional location, anyway. Daemons lose one hit point per minute they remain here.

Layers are a series of stratifications that contain multiple realms or share a unique set of traits common to all realms within it. Each layer is made up of realms, which are linked by gates and barriers. A layer can exist without realms, and there can be spaces between realms within a layer, which might manifest as an ocean, vast forests, a trackless desert, a mountain range, or even a series of wrought iron scaffolds or roads, or a solar system spinning in astral space. A layer might represent a location on the physical plane, such as a highway, a house, or a skyscraper, and within it are multiple realms.

Within layers are realms, small hotspots of activity or regions in which a spirit, powerful mage, or traveler holds sway. For example, Each human being has their own realm in Dreams, and it is sometimes called an individual's dreaming. Someone might talk of a fish dreaming or a sky dreaming, and this is their individual realm's overriding theme. In effect, a realm is sort of a mini-layer inside another layer, for example, inside a skyscraper layer is a realm that represents desks or windows and other such structures inside it, infinite in size.

Barriers make up "walls" in astral space. These barriers don't have to be walls, rather, they can be vast mountain ranges that are impossibly tall, swirling winds, transparent force fields, the air itself, or tracts of snow that endlessly repeat. Effectively, a barrier is anything that prevents movement through a specific region of a given layer or realm, forming the boundary of the extradimensional membrane. Gates are doors going from layer to layer or from realm to realm, either actual wooden doors, vortexes, shimmering portals, wells, or other such structures meant to confer the transfer from some place to another. Gates are often one-way affairs, though some gates go to multiple locations and can send their users back where they came from.

Anchor Objects and Spirit Objects

Inside the Everywhen, objects that just sit there and don't do much of anything are anchor objects. These are things like the rocks floating amid the void, the furniture in a room, artwork, the stars in the astral plane, and so on. Anchor objects don't take a whole lot of effort to make, utilize, manipulate, transfer, or otherwise screw around with. Conjuring such objects is often very simple, almost as easy as a single thought or idea.

Things that can be moved, manipulated, or carried are spirit objects. All of these things, including realms and layers, have a rating called 'stability.' This is how difficult it is to change the rules, assert control over the rules, or affect spirit objects or anchor objects. Each realm inside a layer has a gateway DC, or rather, how hard it is to get inside based upon the powers that be that are living there. Busting into a Totem's realm, for example, is incredibly difficult, but accessing a minor domain ruled over by a faerie or something is pretty simple.

Getting There

Getting into the axis mundi is easy. Getting into layers is a bit trickier. Dropping into the flow is as simple as making a Focus check (DC 15) and ten minutes of sitting very still and humming, smoking, singing, or meditating. Carrying other travelers requires a bit of a ritual. You need a small room, some sort of hallucinatory drug, and a Treat Injury check (DC 15 + 2 for every participant, up to a maximum number of additional participants equal to your Charisma modifier) in addition to the Focus check.

            Entering Layers & Realms

            Getting into a layer requires the Focus skill and the Body of Light feat or class feature. Other than that, it's a DC 20 Focus check in order to get inside one. One inside a layer, you can access any of its realms using their specific gateway DC. Some layers are closed and require the permission of the entities that live there in order to enter, while others require specific entry methods, such as solving puzzles or riddles, or cracking a through a series of mental barriers. Entering somewhere that you don't have permission to enter requires a Focus check with a DC equal to the Gateway DC of the layer or realm.

            What to do When You're There

There's a lot of versatility to the Everywhen, it's just not immediately identifiable. All information, past, present, and future, exists somewhere in the Everywhen, and almost anything can be seen or read there. Most of the time, this is pretty easy: the powers of realms and layers won't stop someone from exploring or taking notes, and they won't stop travelers from just goofing around in general. However, when a traveler wants to do something outside what the powers that be and the rules of that realm allow, then he or she has to change the rules. Changing rules requires a Focus check with a DC equal to the realm's stability or an opposed check against the most powerful local meme or spirit's Focus check.

            A realm or layer can also represent a sector of the real world, where changing a small piece of the surroundings can dramatically effect reality, such as changing the way a stoplight works, initiating an explosion, or otherwise affecting the way the real object works. If a traveler can make himself the master of such a realm, she can control the way the real world object works with a thought.

            Many basic functions of realms and layers are controlled by powerful, ineffable entities that command the physics of that realm. If a realm has no such keeper or master, a traveler can arrest control of the realm by making a Focus check (DC 10 + the realm's Stability). Any attempt that fails by 5 or more alerts anyone monitoring the realm that the attempt was made. If a master or overlord is present in the layer itself that the realm is in, even if it simply left a piece of itself behind, then you can't take away its title unless it no longer exists (or is defeated in astral combat).

            Accessing knowledge buried in the memes and images in a realm or layer is often difficult; if it cannot be read and must be interpreted, a traveler must make a DC 25 Focus check, which translates the imagery into something the traveler can comprehend. Changing any such information requires a DC 15 Focus check. Sometimes information is protected by things that must be fought, but once a traveler has full access to information, he or she can destroy it with a full-round action.

            Layers and realms can be used as combat fields between travelers. Many spirits and other creatures take affront to this, and so most travelers, even ones in the know, use the astral plane or dreams as the place for this.

            Sample Layers & Realms

            These are a few examples of realms and layers that a traveler might encounter. Each one has a brief description of its appearance, what can be done or learned there, and a short history.

            Type: Domain, Turf, or Trod. Domains are ruled by specific entities and not accessible by default; travelers wanting to enter one must make a Focus check to bust through the gates that lead there. Turfs are open to anyone who wants to go there. Trods are run by spirits, such as devas or eidolons and have areas those beings don't want visitors tooling around in.

            Gateway DC: Traveling from one place to another takes a Focus check unless you're allowed to travel there. Not all the gates inside a layer are the same; some have higher or lower DCs, some are open, and some are not. A layer might have a gateway DC to get into it, as well.

            Realm Stability: When a traveler wishes to perform an action, modify a meme, or move about undetected, the traveler must make a Focus check at this DC unless the traveler is openly allowed to do so.

            Detection Range: A traveler that fails a check to alter a realm or layer might trip an alarm or other such defenses. If a character fails a Focus check within the region, and the difference between the result and the DC is greater than the

            Active: The denotes whether or not there's a spirit or conscious entity vigilantly guarding the realm or layer in question. A 'no' in this category means that it still has other defenses that are automatic.


            The Shattered Cathedral

            This region is a melancholy field in Death's Domain where an old stone temple sits, sunlight filtering gently through its upper reaches. Deep inside are scrolls and books stuffed with ancient stories, tales, and legends of ages gone by. It's also a good place to get ash from the Ashen Fields, which drifts in from time to time, without having to fight armies of the dead or demons for it.

            Type: Turf – Realm

            Gateway DC: 15

            Realm Stability: 25

            Detection Range: 10

            Active: No


            Death's Domain

            As described before, this is how Death's Domain responds to travelers who aren't simply walking in from somewhere else. Death does allow people to simply walk in, but travelers must navigate a treacherous series of wandering spirits and memes, since it's hard to tell a traveler apart from a soul that belongs there, and the clerks don't like that kind of paperwork.

            Type: Domain – Layer

            Gateway DC: 30

            Realm Stability: 35

            Detection Range: 5

            Active: Yes



            This is the realm that represents a telephone in the real world; entering here and becoming the master of the phone allows you to make calls using that phone or simply listen in on conversations looking for juicy gossip. People hear a slight, tinny whine when the phone is inhabited.

            Type: Domain – Realm

            Gateway DC: 10-25

            Realm Stability: 10-25

            Detection Range: 5-10

Active: Not usually


            The Filter and Daemon

When in the mana realm, travelers project their aura, now called a filter, and construct a body out of their mental processes and knowledge of the deep dreams known as a daemon. It can look like almost anything, but humanoid forms are the most common, like a residual self-image. The self image can carry memes, items that it can use, eating up its stability. Such forms have a stability of 10, barring anything else.

HD/hp: A daemon has a number of hit points equal to the character's Focus ranks plus 1d6 per level of the character. A daemon has a massive damage threshold equal to the traveler's Charisma score. If a daemon is hit with an attack that overcomes this threshold, the traveler must make a Fortitude save (DC 20). A failure causes the daemon to fall apart and the traveler wakes back up at home. If the daemon's hit points weren't reduced to 0, the traveler can just return to the Everywhen as soon as he gets back to meditating. A daemon has the same mana dice and mana as the traveler, and in fact, is the traveler's mana total. It is used like normal; a traveler can use any magical background he has just like normal while projected. Any time a daemon takes damage, the traveler suffers half that amount in mana damage.

Initiative: A daemon's Initiative score is equal to the traveler's Wisdom modifier (plus any effects that affect a daemon's initiative).

Speed: Daemons move at a speed of 30, barring memes.

Defense: A daemon's Defense is 10 + the traveler's class bonus to Defense + the traveler's Charisma bonus + memetic modifiers. Touch attacks ignore armor memetic modifiers, but not deflection modifiers. A flat-footed daemon loses its Charisma bonus to Defense.

Base Attack Bonus: A daemon's base attack bonus is equal to the traveler's ranks in Focus. Use the traveler's Wisdom modifier as a bonus to attacks. Treat Focus ranks as if they were base attack bonus for purposes of gaining additional attacks.

Fighting Space: A body of light has a fighting space and reach equal to the character's face and reach.

Saves: Use the same base save bonuses as the traveler. Apply the traveler's Wisdom bonus to all saves instead of the normal ability score bonuses.

Abilities: A body of light does not have ability scores. Anything that would be resolved with an ability check is a Focus check instead.

Skills: A traveler uses Focus checks most of the time when in the Everywhen. The only skill uses that aren't resolved using a Focus check are Bluff, Concentration, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Gamble, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge, Search, and Sense Motive.

Memes: Memes carried and created by the daemon are listed.

Stability: All bodies have a stability of 10. This is effectively how stable a daemon is dependent on the amount of memes stuffed in it. As memes compound on the body, it begins to fracture, and the consciousness of the human projecting himself has trouble maintaining control.


Astral Combat

Combat occurs when a daemon attacks another daemon or spirit. Combat works the way it normally works, with a  few exceptions. Combat is resolved with a series of memes, using arguments or other forms of attack to strike, and other arguments, point by point breakdowns, or fundamentalist thoughts to defend, seen as horrible monsters or swords and shields.

·         Daemons and spirits cannot grapple while not in Aesca Prime.

·         Daemons reduced to 0 hit points dissipate and the traveler wakes up back home, immediately conscious again. Spirits reduced to 0 mana dissipate and must re-form back home.

·         Daemons and spirits cannot deal nonlethal damage in astral combat.

·         Daemons and spirits cannot attack objects in astral combat; memes can be dissipated, however.

Astral Combat Options

Astral combat work like normal combat, but the measure of two combatants is based much more on their mental aptitudes than their physical bodies.

Bull Rush: A bull rush is resolved as an opposed Focus check. Size and multiple limbs do not affect this check.

Disarm: A disarm check is made with a melee weapon and is resolved with an opposed Focus check. If the attack succeeds, the meme breaks away and falls to the ground within reach of the defender. Any daemon can then pick up the meme and use it, but it takes up stability in the new daemon. A disarm attempt provokes an attack of opportunity from the defender.

Feint: Feint if a Bluff check opposed by Sense Motive, just like in the real world. A successful feint attempt eliminates that victim's Wisdom bonus to Defense for one round for the attacking daemon.

Trip: Trip attempts are resolved just like real world trip attempts, but with a Focus check. A trip attempt provokes an attack of opportunity from the defender.


Astral Hazards

Many hazards await travelers in the worlds beyond the waking.

Dissipated: Whenever a daemon is reduced to 0 hit points, kicked out a domain forcibly, or otherwise removed from the Everywhen, he or she is dumped back into his or her physical body painfully, requiring a DC 20 Will save. Success means the traveler is fine, and failure stuns the traveler for 2d6 rounds.

Swapped: If a spirit of other daemon finds its way back along a traveler's path to his or her body, they can be dumped, swapped, ripped, or otherwise screwed with in the same way a traveler can affect a realm. A traveler might return "home" to find that his body has a Gate attached to it, or he's been put back in the wrong body. This requires a tag of some kind to find the traveler's body.

Scraped: Scraping is a process by which a traveler inserts a meme directly into another traveler's head, an emotion overflowing with such terrible maliciousness that rips at a traveler's mind. It works a lot like the memetic attacks used to screw around with another traveler, but it's a lot more direct, easier to do, and a common method of attack for really angry spirits who want to see a traveler suffer. Any traveler subject to such a memetic attack must succeed on a Will save or take ability damage.


Meme (CR/Craft)

Save DC


Displeasure (2/50)


1d6 Wis

Disapproval (3/75)


1d6 Wis, 1d6 Cha

Anger (4/100)


2d6 Wis

Rage (6/150)


1d6 Wis, 1d6 Con

Hatred (6/150)


3d6 Wis

Malice (8/200)


1d6 Wis*, 2d6 Con

* Half this damage is ability drain.


Creating scraper memes is a complicated process. A spirit needs no help; it can simply make them and slam a traveler if its paradigm includes the ability to do so. A traveler, on the other hand, needs to sit in the silver web and capture memes while making a Focus check every hour. The base DC is 20, and the difference between a success and the result is deducted from its total Craft difficulty. Once the difficulty reaches 0, the scraper meme is complete and it takes up 1 stability. These memes are notoriously illegal. Using them is likely to get you tagged by any government entities wandering the Everywhen.

Tagged: Tagging is the act of attaching a meme to a daemon and using it to follow it back to its body. Tag memes often hide inside other memes, using them as camouflage. They are easily stuck memes, such as popular songs playing in the background or cute words and phrases. Noticing that you've been infected takes a Focus check (typically DC 21 or higher). They automatically report to their creator where you're going.


Dreamers and Astral Projection

Dreamers and some Visions can use Dreamwalking to physically enter dreams or mentally enter dreams. They can use these rules when projecting into dreams and taking others out of dreams. Simply replace all instances of Focus checks with a Dreamwalking check. If a Dreamer uses its dragon shape, instead of gaining ability score bonuses, it gains an additional 5 points of stability to be filled with armor and (basic) melee attack memes; choose them immediately. You do not need to make Dreamwalking checks to attract or make these memes.



The bulk of the Everywhen is populated by memes flitting here and there. These are tiny ideas that stick to bigger consciousnesses and bolster them by their presence or else move about on their own, performing their own little tasks and fighting with one another or grouping with similar ideas and expressions. Travelers can even make memes by interacting with the memesphere, capturing free memes, or inviting memes to exist with them for a short time.

Attaching Memes

When a traveler acquires a meme by making it or capturing it, it becomes attached to the traveler's daemon and takes up stability, acting on the daemon and threatening to tear it apart if the traveler isn't careful. If there's not enough space, a daemon must dissipate other memes attached to it or shed them into astral space.

Creating and Attracting Memes

To create or capture a meme, a traveler must make a number of Focus checks. The number is listed next to the given meme. Each check represents 1 round of congealing astral space or offering the kind of thoughts the meme likes to stick to in order to gain it. Each check must exceed to meme's DC; a daemon cannot utilize the meme until it's either complete or attached to it. While creating or attracting a meme, the daemon is paralyzed.

Dissipating Memes and Objects

Upon encountering a free meme or an object, a daemon can attempt to dissipate it. In order to dissipate it, the daemon must wrestle control of the layer or realm by overcoming the realm's stability. If the check succeeds, the object or meme vanishes. Some objects or memes are easier or harder to destroy. Destroying a meme attached to a daemon or spirit uses an argument or a viral meme (see memes, below). Barriers and gates cannot be dissipated.


Meme Descriptions

These are memes that can be attached to daemons and spirits. Each meme's generic name is followed by its stability, its creation DC, and the number of successes you need.

Accuracy (Varies): These memes are the ideas and memories of sharpshooters and gunslingers. They allow the daemon to become more accurate with ranged attacks. They could appear as a Stetson, a bandanna, or even affect the daemon by making its limbs longer and lankier.

+1 Bonus: Stability 2/DC 20/2

+2 Bonus: Stability 4/DC 25/2

+3 Bonus: Stability 6/DC 30/2

Agent (Stability 1/DC 15/2): An agent is a small memetic organism that cannot attack or adequately defend itself, but represents the traveler or the daemon and can help speed up tasks in the spirit world; it's a common practice, but looked down upon if it's used as a messenger or delivery person. You can't bother to show up yourself, so you send a weak spirit to do your dirty work.

Hit Dice/Mana Dice: An agent has half the hit dice and mana dice of its creator and uses d4s for both. It gains an additional amount of hit points and mana equal to its creator's Focus ranks. They always have maximum hit points and mana. An agent reduced to 0 hit points or mana points simply dissipates. They have a massive damage threshold equal to their creator's Charisma score. If this number is surpassed, it must make a DC 20 Will save or be destroyed.

Defense: An agent's Defense is 10 + its creator's Charisma modifier.

Saves: An agent has no good saving throws. Apply the creator's Wisdom modifier to its saving throws.

Skills: An agent has 10 skill points. All skills are class skills for the agent, but it can have no more ranks than the creator in any given skill. An agent spends skill points and makes skill checks normally.

Armor (Varies): These memes provide protection against attacks. They impose no Dexterity bonus or any penalty to movement. Their difficulty and stability is based on how well they defend you. Such memes are obvious for what they are, appearing as armor, a glow, or even organisms wrapped around the daemon.

Light Armor: +2 Defense, Stability 1/DC 10/1

Medium Armor: +5 Defense, Stability 2/DC 15/1

Heavy Armor: +8 Defense, Stability 3/DC 20/1

Glass Ceiling (Stability 5/DC 25/3): A glass ceiling is a special kind of meme that can be used as a barrier to block other memes and travelers. It can be placed over a gate or from one wall to another, and remains active and immobile until it is dissipated or you take it down. One you erect it, you choose a specific type of meme. Any daemon can pass through the field, but if it carrying a meme of the specific type, that meme is removed from the daemon and it must remain on the other side or be dissipated. Daemons attempting to sneak memes through must succeed on an opposed Focus check versus the creator (the creator gets a +5 bonus to this check). Glass ceilings are removed from the daemon who created them once used, freeing up their space. Multiple glass ceilings can be erected inside a realm or layer.

Defense Memes (Stability 1/DC15/1): Defense memes are thought processes that are particularly rigid and thus make a juicier target for viral memes. A daemon with one attached gets a +4 memetic bonus on saving throws against viral memes.

Informatic (Stability 1/10/1): Informatics are memetic constructs that store vast amounts of information, such as books, symbiotes, or scrolls, and make it easier to carry such knowledge from one place to another to compare and contrast information. Some other memes require informatic memes to function normally.

Lies (Varies): The usual defense mechanism of fundamentalist memes, lies are often not something spirits allow in their realms. To spew a lie, a traveler in a realm or layer with an active spirit or controller must make a Focus check against the realm's stability. If the check fails, the lie cannot be used in the realm or layer until the traveler leaves and comes back.

Innocuous Idea (Stability 5/DC 25/3): This meme makes the daemon invisible. It grants a +20 bonus on Hide checks, which becomes a +40 if the daemon is holding still. The daemon becomes visible if it performs any overtly hostile action, but can become invisible again as an attack action.

Hazy Recollection (Stability 2/DC 20/1): This is usually a half-forgotten thought and cloaks the daemon in a misty form that provides a 20% miss chance in combat. Activating it is an attack action.

Ego (Stability 2/DC 15/1): An ego is a duplicate of the daemon. It can be activated as an attack action and occupies a space next to the daemon. If there's no spare space, the meme can't be activated. Any attacks directed at the daemon have a 50% chance of striking the ego instead. Any hit on the ego dissipates it, but it can be reactivated again next turn.

Place Memory (Stability 1/DC 15/2): This meme is a small organism, statue, pendant, photograph, or some other item that represents memory of a location; when you create it, you set a condition which makes it awaken and tear you back to a particular place. It must be a place you have permission to enter. For example "when I am reduced to fewer than 10 hit points" could be a condition and "The Shattered Cathedral" could be the place to which you are returned.

Precision & Power (Varies): These are the vestiges of ideas about swordfighters, spearmen, knife fighters, martial artists, and other such warriors. They affect a daemon by adding a bonus to its melee damage rolls, making a knife look more jagged or bulging muscles on the daemon.

+1 Bonus: Stability 1/DC 15/1

+2 Bonus: Stability 2/DC 20/1

+3 Bonus: Stability 3/DC 25/1

+4 Bonus: Stability 4/DC 30/1

Propagator (Stability 1/DC 10/1): A propagator is a meme that travels easily from one daemon or spirit to another. They are completely harmless, but they allow rapid communication from one place to another; only the intended recipient gets the message, but if they're blocked or hidden, you may have to make a Focus check to talk to them.

Rigid Imagery (Stability 1/DC 15/2): A daemon with this meme gets a +4 resistance bonus on Focus checks to resist disarm attempts.

Sacred Cow (Varies): These sorts of memes create an invisible force field around a daemon that other memes are loathe to attempt to assail, adding a deflection bonus to Defense.

+1: Stability 2/DC 20/2

+2: Stability 3/DC 25/2

+3: Stability 4/DC 30/2

Shield (Varies): Shields are literal shields. They are held in the hand and used to interpose themselves between the daemon and an incoming attack.

+1 Defense: Stability 1/DC 10/1

+2 Defense: Stability 2/DC 15/1

Sprinter (Varies): These are ideas about running, climbing, jumping, and in general moving around. They provide a bonus to the daemon's move speed.

+5 feet: Stability 1/DC 20/2

+10 feet: Stability 2/DC 20/3

Tag Meme (Stability 3/DC 20/3): A tag meme is a meme that hides as another idea and reports its location through a propagator to another traveler, spirit, or daemon. You must hit with a touch attack to transfer the tag to another daemon or a spirit. Until it's spotted and removed, the person who planted it knows where the spirit or daemon is (and if it goes home, the identity of the traveler). It can also be used to trace a traveler back to his or her body for applying a scraper. If the traveler leaves the realm and comes back, they are no longer a valid target for scraping, and you must tag them again.

Viral Meme (Varies): These are memes that are phrases, sounds, words, or images that invasively work their way into a traveler's head and disrupt other memes. They rapidly propagate and destabilize other ideas in a very short amount of time while they remove themselves from the propagator's head. To affect someone with a viral meme, you literally have to shove it into the target's body or daemon, and they must make a Will save. A successful save negates the meme's affect.

Insidious Lyric (Stability 1/DC 20/3): Insidious Lyric has a save DC of 12 and dissipates 1d2 memes the target has.

Memorable Phrase (Stability 3/DC 25/3): Memorable Phrases have a save DC of 15 and dissipate 1d4 memes.

Lolhopper (Stability 3/DC 25/3): Your target can has brain pain. You pick a meme the target can't has and attempt to dissipate it. Lolhopper has a save DC of 18.

Weapon (Varies): Weapons come in many varieties, from swords to fireballs to guns, bows, spears, lightning bolts, and other such attacks. Arguments tamed and put on leashes might suffice, as might vicious fears and malicious behaviors. Weapons are typically obvious. A daemon might crackle with teeth spawned of a vicious argument, ready to be flung at an opponent or a bomb might burn just beyond the shoulder, waiting to be thrown.

Melee Attack: Melee attacks typically appear as swords, knives, chainsaws, or claws used to scour an opponent's body. They have the following options.

Melee Attack (1d6): Stability 1/DC 10/1

Melee Attack (1d8): Stability 2/DC 15/1

Melee Attack (2d6): Stability 3/DC 20/1

10 foot reach: Stability +1/DC +10/+1

+1 Critical Multiplier: Stability +1/DC +5/+1

+1 Threat Range: Stability +1/DC +5/+1

Ranged Attack: Ranged attacks are thrown stones, bolts of lightning, bullets, worms, teeth, or arrows flung at an opponent. They all have a x2 threat range and critical multiplier, and a range of 300 with an increment of 30. Ranged attacks have the following options.

Ranged Attack (2d6): Stability 4/DC 20/2

Ranged Attack (2d8): Stability 5/DC 25/2

Ranged Attack (2d10): Stability 6/DC 30/2

+10 foot increment: Stability +0/DC +5/+1

+1 Critical Multiplier: Stability +1/DC +5/+1

+1 Threat Range: Stability +1/DC +5/+1

Area Attack: Area based attacks, such as grenades and the aforementioned fireballs, are one use, consuming themselves in short lived tantrums before petering out. They have a burst radius of 10 and a range increment of ten feet. Area attacks have the following options.

Area Attack (3d6): Stability 3/DC 15/3

Area Attack (4d6): Stability 4/DC 20/3

Area Attack (5d6): Stability 5/DC 25/3

+1 Use: Stability +1/DC +5/+1

+5 area of effect: Stability +1/DC +5/+1

+1d6 damage: Stability +1/DC +5/+1

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